The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will very soon issue the admit card or hall ticket of Computer Based Test (CBT) for 35,208 NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Categories) vacancies under 'RRB/CEN 01/2019'. Applicants who have applied for the posts can download the RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019, once it is released through the official website of concerned Railway Recruitment Boards.
The RRB will conduct the NTPC CBT in two stages in the month of June to September 2019. The first stage exam will be consist of objective paper having 100 questions from General Awareness (40 Marks), General Intelligence & reasoning (30 Marks) and Mathematics (30 Marks). There will be negative marking for wrong answers.
Applicants selected in the RRB NTPC CBT Phase 1 exam will be invited for RRB NTPC CBT Phase 2 examination.
As per the official notification, shortlisted candidates, in RRB Paramedical CBT 2019 examination, would be called for Skill Test (Computer based Aptitude Test for Station Master & Traffic Assistant, Typing Skill Test for Junior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist & Senior Time Keeper).

For Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Trains Clerk, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Guard and Commercial Apprentice, there will be two stage CBT followed by document verification & medical test.
Step to download RRB NTPC Admit Card
Go to the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board - rrbcdg.gov.in or the RRB regional website.
Search for the link that says RRB NTPC Admit Cards 2019.
Click the link and submit all the required details.
Your RRB NTPC Admit card will appear on the screen.
Save and take a print out of RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019.
It must be noted that RRB NTPC Admit card will have the full name of candidate, date of exam, centre of exam etc. Applicants are advised to keep an eye on the official website for all latest updates regarding RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019. Railway Recruitment Board had released 35,208 NTPC vacancies for various positions in January 2019.