Searching for a job can be a daunting and time-consuming process. It can be frustrating to feel trapped in your career due to a lack of satisfactory job opportunities. However, there is hope as many government organizations regularly seek new employees.
This month, several prominent organizations, including IIT Delhi, Reserve Bank of India, Indian Navy, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, and many more have published job openings.
IIT Delhi Recruitment for 66 vacant posts
For the hiring of non-academic staff, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has started to accept applications online. There are a total of 66 open positions, and the application deadline is May 12.
The technical department has the most openings (62) followed by the hotel sector with three positions and the medical officer (psychiatric) sector with one vacancy each. Interested parties can consult the official announcement on the primary website to learn more about the position’s requirements and credentials.
Rajasthan Ayurved Vibhag recruitment for 639 Posts
Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University (DSRRAU) has announced the Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) post-recruitment announcement. Starting on May 1 and running through May 31, interested individuals can submit their applications for the positions via the official website. This recruiting campaign will fill 639 positions, and candidates must hold a bachelor's degree in Ayurveda from an accredited university.
Border Security Force (BSF) recruitment for 247 posts
The Border Security Force Recruitment 2023 has been released to recruit 247 candidates for the posts of Head Constables in Radio Mechanics and Radio Operators. Candidates interested in the recruitment can apply online from rectt.bsf.gov.in on or before May 12. The candidate’s age must not exceed 25 years.
Indian Navy Recruitment for civilian posts
At the Southern Command Headquarters of the Indian Navy, online applications are now being accepted for the hiring of civilian personnel. Nine positions are open, according to the Ministry of Defense's official announcement, five of which are located in Kochi, two in Always, and two in the Lakshadweep Islands. The deadline for applications for these positions is June 20.