MANAGE is inviting applications from eligible professionals for three positions of Consultant in ProSOIL project for PDKV-Akola, MAU-Parbani of Maharashtra, and MANAGE, Hyderabad, purely on a contract basis for a period up to December 2022. The contract period may be extended with the project beyond December 2022.
MANAGE Recruitment: Eligibility Criteria
A Master’s Degree/Ph.D in Agriculture/Horticulture/Agronomy Entomology/Plant Pathology with at least one year of experience in a relevant field.
Experience in working with field and horticultural crops, agro-advisories (specifically ICT enabled), statistical analyses, data interpretation, report writing, etc.
Knowledge of IT applications and Expertise in MS-Office
Ability to build networking amongst different stakeholders such as Universities, NGOs, Development Departments, farmers, villagers, etc.
MANAGE Recruitment: Salary Details
Rs. 42,000/ per month Consolidated
MANAGE Recruitment: Last Date for Application
17th April 2022
How to Apply For MANAGE Recruitment 2022?
The contract period may be extended with the project beyond December 2022. Eligible Professionals may send an email with all the relevant documents. The shortlisted candidates are invited to attend the interview at MANAGE. Calling for an interview does not confer any right on you to be treated as eligible for appointment.
NOTE: Please email your resume to gbhaskar@manage.gov.in by 17/04/2022.
For more information, kindly visit the official website of MANAGE or check the official notification.