Recently the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, (CSIR-CIMAP), Lucknow signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) extending joint collaborative efforts to promote the production of quality planting material (QPM) of medicinal plants.
The MoU will facilitate the development of QPM of medicinal plants and herbs identified by NMPB and help in the establishment of their nurseries for QPM development, promotion, conservation and cultivation of the appropriate medicinal plants in different agro-climatic zones. CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow can also undertake research on mass multiplication, agro-technology development, Quality Planting Material generation of selected medicinal plants and herbs.
During the tenure of MoU, NMPB will work through its implementing agencies i.e. State Medicinal Plant Boards, State Horticulture Departments, Regional-cum-Facilitation Centres across India in conjunction and collaboration with CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow and support projects related to QPM Development of Medicinal Plants Species.
Working under the Ministry of Ayush, NMPB is mandated to coordinate all matters relating to medicinal plants and support Policies and Programs for the growth of trade, export, conservation and cultivation of medicinal plants.
Our traditional health care practices rely heavily on medicinal plants as a resource. The accessibility and acceptance of AYUSH systems, both nationally and internationally, are reliant on the continuous availability of high-quality medicinal plant-based raw materials. More than 90per cent of the species utilised in commerce are still derived from the wild, with roughly two-thirds collected using harmful methods.
The development and cultivation of medicinal plants have thus been included as a component of the National AYUSH Mission's Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Medicinal Plants form the major resource base of our indigenous health care traditions. The outreach and acceptability of AYUSH systems, both nationally as well as globally, are dependent on the uninterrupted availability of quality medicinal plants based raw material. More than 90 per cent of the species used in trade continue to be sourced from the wild of which about 2/3 rd are harvested by destructive means.
The development and cultivation of medicinal plants have been hence been covered as a component under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the National AYUSH Mission.
What is Ayush Doing to Promote this?
According to the Botanical Survey of India, India is currently home to 8000 species of medicinal plants. Hence the ministry of Ayush provides financial support in the form of Subsidies for various medicinal plants towards the cultivation of the species required by AYUSH systems and to also take care of others that are on the verge of extinction.
The establishment of Seed/germplasm Centers and nurseries for Supply of Quality Planting Material is done to stock and supply certified germplasm of priority medicinal plant species for cultivation.
Assistance is offered for new nurseries in the public and private sectors to address the demand for high-quality planting material for cultivation. Model nurseries built by the public sector or SHGs would be eligible for 100 per cent funding up to Rs. 25.00 lakhs per unit.
Through public sector banks, 50 per cent of the cost of model nurseries in the private sector would be covered, up to a maximum of Rs. 12.50 lakhs per unit.