The objective of the Scheme is to assign short term tasks/projects/studies useful and relevant to NABARD, to talented students pursuing a post-graduate degree (completing/completed the first year) in Agriculture and allied disciplines (Veterinary, Fisheries, etc.), Agri-business, Economics, Social Sciences and Management from Institutes/ Universities of repute or Students pursuing 5 years integrated courses including Law completing/completed 4th year of their course.
NABARD Internship 2022-23: Seat Details
The total number of seats for NABARD SIS 2022-23 is 40 (35 seats for Regional Offices/TEs & 05 seats for Head Office).
Important Dates
Opening of link for registration and submission of applications -March 11, 2022
Closing Date for submission of applications -March 31, 2022
NABARD Internship 2022-23: Eligibility Criteria
Students pursuing a post-graduate degree (having completed/completing the first year) in Agriculture and allied disciplines (Veterinary, Fisheries, etc.), Agri-business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Management from Institutes/ Universities of repute or Students pursuing 5 years of integrated courses including Law completing/completed 4th year of their course are eligible for SIS 2022-23.
Students applying for an internship in a particular state must be either pursuing their degree from that State or they must belong to that State (ordinarily resident of the State).
For seats allocated to Head Office, Mumbai students pursuing education from Mumbai would be preferred. However, seats in Head Office, Mumbai are open to applications from students across the country.
NABARD Internship 2022-23: Selection Process
The applicants for the scheme will be shortlisted for interviews based on a weighted score system (based on marks in 10th, 12th, and Graduation).
The final selection of the students for the internship scheme will be solely on the basis of the interview performance.
All the applications will be received and shortlisted by HO for final selection through an interview by respective units. The final selection of the students from amongst the shortlisted candidates (as per seat allocation under SIS 2022-23) will be done at the respective units (ROs/TEs).
No TA/DA will be paid to the students appearing for the Interview.
NABARD Internship 2022-23: Financial Support
Stipend/ month {Minimum 8 weeks (2 Months) to maximum 12 Weeks (3 months}: 18000 per month
Field visit allowance the maximum for 30 days: 2000 per day (For 8 NER States) 1500 per day(Excluding 8 NER States)
Travel allowance for field visits from HQ to Field and back to HQ. On reimbursement basis subject to submission of valid tickets /other proofs (like petrol/taxi receipts): 6000 per head (maximum)
4 Miscellaneous expenses on declaration basis: 2000 per head.
Check Official Notification here.