“A farmer will truly be able to celebrate the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” when he will have a good income as well as a home to live in. If they don’t even have these basic requirements then there is no relevance of ‘Azadi’”, R G Agarwal, Founder, and Chairman of Dhanuka Agritech Limited during his visit to Krishi Jagran today - 10th August 2022 for the KJ Choupal session.

MC Dominic, the Founder of Krishi Jagran & Agriculture World welcomed him and said, “RG Agarwal has been a source of inspiration for me. And I feel honored to have him here to interact with my team.”
Shiny Dominic, Director of Krishi Jagran presented him with a token of love and appreciation, a souvenir in the form of a green plant.
RG Agarwal said, “I feel grateful to be here at Krishi Jagran, which has created a platform for the farmers where they will get the right information. And through Krishi Jagran, I would be able to connect with their audience, the farmers, and share some thoughts”.
He further shared his thoughts on Dhanuka’s program to Double the Farmer’s Income and said that several points must be kept in mind in order to work towards doubling Farmer’s Income. He said that the most important thing that Krishi Jagran journalists should do is to provide farmers with the correct modern technologies and advices. Farmers have no access to new technologies. In order to have sustainable development of agriculture in India, farmers must be provided with the latest technology available in the world. But, due to a lack of information and technology, our GDP from agriculture is one-third of that of China. The reason for our low productivity and huge crop loss is the lack of farmers’ knowledge about new technology and agri-inputs.

RG Agarwal was accompanied by Dr. P.K. Chakrabarty, Chief Scientific Advisor, Dhanuka Agritech and Ex Chairman, FAD 3 & ADG (Plant Protection) ICAR, Delhi.
Dr. Chakrabarty specifically talked about the importance of crop protection in sustainable agriculture.
Agarwal advised Krishi Jagran journalists to reach out to the farmers and make them aware of the latest technologies and provide them with effective research.
Another important topic he covered in his interaction with Krishi Jagran Team was Water Irrigation. He said that irrigated land produces twice as much as rain-fed land and that only around 40% of the land is currently irrigated, with the remaining 60% still dependent on the monsoon. We should establish "rain-water harvesting centers" and construct "check dams for keeping field's water in field and village's water in the village" to conserve rainwater as much as possible. Farmers and villagers will be supported by this to use water effectively.
He also emphasized how farmers should be provided financial assistance with proper training and education so that instead of spending this money on individual needs they will invest it in creating infrastructure for their farms which will increase their yield and income.

The Chairman also mentioned how Dhanuka is supporting Government’s Har Ghar Tiranga campaign by distributing 10 lakh flags all over India. The company also distributed flags and wall clocks to the employees of Krishi Jagran.