'Right Start Initiative' was launched by Nutrition International in the Philippines. The initiative aims to improve nutrition for pregnant women, newborns, infants and young children through 176M Philippines Peso investment over five years to 2020.
The initiative aims to reduce anemia in pregnant women and young children, and low birth weight in newborns. It also seeks to avert deaths in infants and children under five by focusing on improving nutrition during the 1,000-day window (from conception to a child’s second birthday.)
The initiative is supported by Government of Canada. Through this program, Nutrition International will work with the Department of Health and local government units to strengthen nutrition-specific policies and guidelines, build the capacity of healthcare service providers to promote and deliver interventions to improve care for women, reducing risks to their health ― and the health of their newborns and children.
The Right Start Initiative is a multi-million dollar, supported by Global Affairs Canada (Government of Canada), aiming to reach over 100 million women, adolescent girls, newborns and young children with improved nutrition in nine countries across Asia and Africa.