To promote crop diversification in Punjab, the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has developed a promising solution for farmers- 'SML 1827'- a short-duration, high-yielding variety of mungbean tailored for the summer season. Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal, the Vice-Chancellor of PAU, highlighted the pivotal role of pulses in diversifying Punjab's agricultural landscape. He highlighted their significance in enhancing soil health and providing a rich source of protein.
Dr. Gosal underscored the viability of cultivating summer mungbean, particularly as an additional catch crop after potato, raya/wheat, leveraging assured irrigation facilities.
Benefits of Variety 'SML 1827':
Dr. Rajinder Singh, Associate Director (Seeds) at PAU, unveiled the institution's latest innovation – the 'SML 1827' variety of mungbean. Notably, this variety exhibits a remarkable combination of traits conducive to high yield and disease resistance. With an average yield of 5.0 quintals per acre, 'SML 1827' stands out for its resilience against yellow mosaic disease.
Characterized by an erect plant type and medium stature, it boasts synchronous maturity in approximately 62 days. The pods, clustered in abundance, encapsulate about 10 seeds each, featuring grains of a vibrant, medium-sized green with commendable culinary properties.
Dr. Gosal urged farmers to embrace the 'SML 1827' variety, underscoring its superiority over the prevalent 'Star 444' variety of moong. With its proven track record of high yield and enhanced resistance to yellow mosaic disease, 'SML 1827' emerges as a promising choice for farmers seeking to optimize their summer crop cultivation.
Farmers keen on adopting this high-yielding variety need not fret about accessibility. The seeds of 'SML 1827' are readily available across various distribution channels, including Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Farm Advisory Service Centers, Regional Research Stations, and University Seed Farms dispersed throughout the state's districts.