PM-KISAN 14th Installment Update: The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme (PM-KISAN) entails the direct transfer of Rs 6,000 per fiscal year to the bank accounts of farming families, as a means of providing them with financial assistance.
Will the 14th Installment of PM-KISAN be disbursed between May 26-31?
While there is no official confirmation regarding the launch of the 14th installment of PM-KISAN, media reports suggest that funds might be transferred between May 26 and May 31.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi previously disbursed the 12th installment of financial benefits through the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, directly benefiting over 8 crore recipients on February 27.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 14th Installment Status Check
Visit the official PM KISAN website at https://pmkisan.gov.in/
Go to the Payment Success tab where you will see a map of India.
Look for the yellow-colored tab called 'Dashboard' on the right-hand side.
Click on the Dashboard tab.
You will be directed to a new page.
Under the Village Dashboard tab, provide your complete details.
Select your state, district, Sub-District, and Panchayat.
Click on the show button.
Choose your desired details from the options presented.
About PM-KISAN Scheme:
The PM-KISAN Scheme, introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2019, aims to offer financial assistance to farmer households throughout the nation who own cultivable land, excluding specific categories. Its purpose is to provide income support.
Who qualifies to receive benefits under the PM-KISAN Scheme?
Families of landholding farmers who possess cultivable land in their names are eligible to receive benefits through this program.
Which individuals are not eligible for the PM-KISAN Scheme?
The individuals are ineligible for the PM-KISAN scheme encompassing various categories. This includes institutional landholders, farmer families occupying constitutional positions, current and former officers and State or Central government employees, and Public Sector Undertakings and Government Autonomous bodies. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, and lawyers, along with retired pensioners receiving a monthly pension exceeding Rs 10,000, and individuals who paid income tax in the previous assessment year, are also excluded from availing of the program's benefits.
Is PM-KISAN Scheme exclusively designed for families of Small & Marginal Farmers?
When the PM-KISAN Scheme was first introduced in February 2019, it provided benefits exclusively to families of small and marginal farmers who collectively owned up to 2 hectares of land. However, in June 2019, the scheme underwent revision, and its coverage was expanded to encompass all farmer families, regardless of the extent of their landholdings.
As part of this modification, the Central Government announced that the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme would extend the annual benefit of Rs 6,000 to all 14.5 crore farmers across the nation, regardless of the size of their landholding.