The Prime Minister was briefed on the weather forecast for the next few months and the likelihood of a normal monsoon by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). He was also briefed on the weather's impact on Rabi crops and the expected yield of major crops.
The current efforts to monitor irrigation water supply, fodder, and drinking water were also examined. Furthermore, the Prime Minister was briefed on the readiness of states and hospital infrastructure in terms of the availability of required supplies and emergency preparedness.
He was also kept up to date on various efforts taking place across the country to prepare for heat-related disasters and mitigation measures in place.
The Prime Minister stated that separate awareness materials should be prepared for various stakeholders such as citizens, medical professionals, municipal and panchayat authorities, disaster response teams such as firefighters, and so on. It was also mandated that some multimedia lecture sessions be included in schools to educate children on how to deal with extreme heat conditions. The Prime Minister stated that protocols and dos and don'ts for hot weather should be prepared in accessible formats, as well as various other modes of publicity such as jingles, films, pamphlets, and so on.
The Prime Minister directed IMD to issue daily weather forecasts that are easily interpreted and disseminated. It was also suggested that TV news channels, FM radio, and others spend a few minutes each day explaining the daily weather forecast in a way that allows citizens to take necessary precautions.
The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of detailed fire audits of all hospitals, as well as mock fire drills conducted by firefighters in all hospitals. The need for a coordinated effort to combat forest fires was also mentioned. It was agreed that systemic changes should be implemented to aid efforts to prevent and combat forest fires.
The Prime Minister directed that the availability of fodder and water in reservoirs be tracked. The Food Corporation of India was tasked with preparing for optimal grain storage in extreme weather conditions.
The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister's Principal Secretary, Cabinet Secretary, Home Secretary, Secretary M/o Health & Family Welfare, Secretary D/o Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Secretary M/o Earth Sciences, and Member Secretary, NDMA.