On August 11, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi released 109 high-yielding, climate-resilient, and biofortified crop varieties at the India Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi. During the event, the Prime Minister interacted with farmers and scientists, advocating for sustainable farming and the adoption of climate-resilient practices. He highlighted the importance of promoting biofortified crops through various government programs such as the Mid-Day Meal and Anganwadi schemes, aiming to eliminate malnutrition in India.
The Prime Minister emphasized that these initiatives will not only enhance farmers' incomes but also create new entrepreneurial opportunities. The 109 crop varieties released include 61 different crops, with 34 field crops and 27 horticultural crops. Among the field crops are various cereals, including millets, forage crops, oilseeds, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, fiber crops, and other potential crops. The horticultural crops encompass a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, plantation crops, tuber crops, spices, flowers, and medicinal plants. Specifically, the varieties released include 23 types of cereals, 9 types of rice, 2 of wheat, 1 of barley, 6 of maize, 1 of sorghum, 1 of millet, 1 of ragi, 1 of chheena, 1 of samba, 2 of tur, 2 of gram, 3 of lentil, 1 of peas, 2 of moong, and 7 varieties of oilseeds. Additionally, 7 fodder varieties, 7 sugarcane varieties, 5 cotton varieties, 1 jute variety, and 40 horticultural varieties were also introduced.
Prime Minister emphasized the growing importance of millets and highlighted the shift towards nutritious food. He also discussed the benefits of natural farming and noted the increasing trust among people in organic farming, with a rising demand for organic products. Farmers expressed their appreciation for the government's efforts in promoting natural farming.
He commended the role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in raising awareness among farmers and suggested that KVKs should actively inform farmers about the benefits of the new crop varieties being developed each month. PM Modi also praised the scientists for their work in developing these new crop varieties. The scientists mentioned that their efforts align with the Prime Minister's suggestion to bring underutilized crops into mainstream agriculture.
High-Yielding, Climate Resilient, and Biofortified Varieties of Crops (by ICAR):
CR Dhan 416: a variety suitable for coastal saline areas with a yield of 48.97 q/ha & maturity of 125-130 days.
CR Dhan 810: suitable for rainfed shallow low land, yielding 42.38 q/ha, maturity 150 days.
CR Dhan 108: suitable for early direct seeded rainfed condition, yield 34.46 q/ha, maturity 110-114 days.
CSR 101: a rice variety suitable for irrigated alkaline/saline stress areas, yield of 35.15 q/ha (alkaline stress); 39.33 q/ha (saline stress) and 55.88 q/ha (normal condition) & maturity 125-130 days.
Swarna Purvi Dhan 5: suitable for direct seeded aerobic condition in drought prone rainfed as well as water-limiting areas during Kharif, yield 29.02 q/ha (moderate drought); Zinc content: 25.5 ppm; Iron Content: 13.1 ppm
DRR Dhan 73, 74, 75: suitable for irrigated and rainfed shallow lowland areas with low soil P for both Kharif and Rabi, maturity 120-125 days suitable for various agro-climatic zone.
Sorghum DSH-6: suitable for rainfed ecology Kharif season, grain yield 38.77 q/ha, fodder yield 116 q/ha, maturity early (100-105 days), non-lodging, fertilizer responsive.
KKL (R) 4 a rice variety suitable for submergence stress conditions, yield 38q/ha under stress situations and 56 q/ha under normal conditions, maturity mid-early (120-125 days).
Pusa Gehun Sharbati: suitable for timely sown, restricted irrigated condition, yield 33.0 q/ha, maturity 110 days, tolerant to heat and drought, bio-fortified with higher grain zinc content (40.0 ppm).
Finger millet VL Mandua- 402: suitable for rainfed situations, average seed yield 2261 kg/ha, maturity 111 days, high calcium (368 mg/100g).
Pusa Gehun Gaurav: durum variety, suitable for irrigated condition, average grain yield 30.2 q/ha, terminal heat tolerant, biofortified with higher zinc (41.1 ppm) and iron (38.5 ppm) and protein content (~12%)
Barley DWRB-219: suitable for Irrigated/ limited irrigation condition of NWPZ, average yield 54.49 q/ha, maturity 132 days, tolerant to lodging, protein content: 11.4%
Pusa Popcorn Hybrid – 1: Suitable for irrigated Rabi ecology, yield: 46.04 q/ha (NWPZ), 47.17 q/ha (PZ), maturity 120.2 days (NWPZ), 102.1 days (PZ).
Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid – 4: suitable for Kharif, yield 84.33 q/ha (NWPZ), 71.13 q/ha (PZ), 56.58 q/ha (CWZ rich in provitamin-A (6.7 ppm), lysine (3.47%) & tryptophan (0.78%).
Pusa HM4 Male Sterile Baby Corn-2: suitable for irrigated conditions during Kharif season, yield 19.56 q/ha (NEPZ), 14.07 q/ha (PZ) & 16.03 q/ha (CWZ), maturity 53 days, 100% male sterility.
Maize IMH 230: suitable for irrigated Rabi season, high yield 92.36 q/ha, maturity 145.2 days, moderately resistant to biotic stresses, MLB, ChR and TLB.
Maize IMH 231: suitable for Kharif irrigated condition, high yield 70.28 q/ha, maturity 90 days, moderately tolerant to water logging, tolerant to lodging.
Pusa Popcorn Hybrid – 2: Suitable for irrigated Rabi season, yield 45.13 q/ha, maturity 102.5 days.
Pearl Millet MH 2417: a dual-purpose hybrid suitable for Kharif under irrigated & rainfed conditions; high grain yield 33.34 q/ha and dry fodder yield 175 q/ha. High iron (70 ppm) and zinc (57 ppm) content.
Proso millet CPRMV-1: suitable for rainfed Kharifseason, yield 24-26 q/ha, maturity 70-74 days.
Barnyard millet VL Madira- 254: suitable for rainfed situations, average yield 1,719 kg/ha, matures in 101 days
Forage Pearl Millet JPM 18-7: suitable for rainfed/ irrigated under normal fertility conditions during rainy season, yield 440-480 q/ha (green fodder), maturity 120-130 days.
Berseem JB 08-17: suitable for irrigated multi-cut during winter season, yield 620-650 q/ha (green fodder), maturity 190-200 days.
Him Palam Forage Multi cut Oat-1: suitable for timely sown, normal fertility and irrigated condition, yield 260-300 q/ha (green fodder yield), maturity 180-185 days.
Jawahar Oat 13-513: suitable for oat-growing areas of eastern and north-western zone, yield 225-250 q/ha (green fodder yield), maturity 135-145 days.
Pusa Forage Maize Hybrid-1: suitable for irrigated, Kharif season, green fodder yield 413.1 q/ha, maturity 95-105 days, higher acid detergent fiber (ADF) - 41.9%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) - 62.5%.
Fodder Maize HQPM 28: suitable for Kharif season, yield 427.6 q/ha (green fodder), 79.06 q/ha (dry matter), 20.9 q/ha (seed yield), 7.0 q/ha (crude protein), maturity 98 days.
Forage Sorghum CSV 57F: suitable for rainfed Kharif, yield 435q/ha (green fodder); 139q/ha (dry fodder), maturity130-135.

Mango Arka Udaya: a hybrid between Amrapali x Arka Anmol recommended for all mango-growing states with yield potential of 18-20 t/ha.
Mango Ambika: a climate-resilient hybrid (Amrapali x Janardan Pasand) recommended for subtropical and tropical regions with a yield potential of 80 kg/plant.
Mango Arunika: a dwarf hybrid developed by crossing between Amrapali x Vanraj recommended all mango growing states with a yield potential of 70 kg/plant.
Pomegranate Solapur Anardana: a processing variety recommended for all pomegranate growing states with a yield potential of 30.72 kg/tree.
Guava Lalit: a round, medium-sized variety with a thick pericarp recommended for Uttar Pradesh with 250 mg/100 g vitamin C and high lycopene content.
Guava Arka Kiran: a climate-resilient variety recommended for Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra Tamil Nadu with a yield potential of 38 to 40 kg /tree/year.
Bael Swarna Vasudha: a medium vigorous, regular bearing, big fruit recommended for Jharkhand with a yield potential of 17-19 t/ha.
Pummelo Arka Chandra: a medium vigorous variety recommended for all citrus growing states with yield potential of 35-40 fruits/plant/season.
Tomato Pusa Shakti: a tomato variety suitable for open-field cultivation recommended for Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with a yield potential of 351 q/ha.
Tomato Pusa 6: a hybrid variety suitable for Kharif & Rabi recommended for Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Telangana & Andhra Pradesh with a yield potential of 900 q/ha in Kharif and 600 q/ha in Rabi.
Bottle gourd Kashi Shubhara: a variety suitable for Kharif, Zaid and off-season production recommended for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Punjab with a yield potential of 600 q/ha.
Okra Arka Nikita: a Genic Male sterility based F 1 hybrid variety recommended for Karnataka with a yield potential of 21 to 24 t/ha.
Indian bean Kashi Bouni Sem- 207: a variety bushy in growth habit recommended for Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, with yield potential of 236 q/ha in 5 pickings.
Indian Bean Arka Vistar: a climate resilient, pole type and photo-insensitive variety recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 37.0 t/ha after 120 days.
Muskmelon Thar Mahima: a variety recommended for Rajasthan with yield potential of 200 q/ha.
Watermelon Thar Tripti: a variety with green strips and round shape recommended for Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa with yield potential of 400 q/ha.
Potato Kufri Chipsona-5: a variety recommended for Haryana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh with yield potential of 35 t/ha.
Potato Kufri Jamunia: recommended for Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Odisha, Assam, West Bengal & Bihar with yield potential of 32-35 t/ha.
Potato Kufri Bhaskar: a heat tolerant variety recommended for Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand Plains, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat with yield potential of 30-35 t/ha.
Nutmeg Kerala Shree: a variety recommended for Kerala, Tamil Nadu & other nutmeg growing areas of India with yield potential of 7560 kg per ha & Mace yield of 1512 kg/ha.
Small Cardamom IISR Manushree: a drought tolerant variety recommended for Karnataka and Keralawith yield potential of 550 kg dry capsules/ ha.
Small Cardamom IISR Kaveri: a drought tolerant variety recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 482 kg dry capsules/ha.
Fennel RF-290: a variety suitable under irrigated normal conditions recommended for Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Haryana with yield potential of 2065 kg/ha.
Gujarat Ajwain 3: a variety recommended for Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh with yield potential of 1035 kg/ha.
Mango ginger IISR Amrit: a variety with bold rhizomes recommended for Kerala, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat with yield potential of 45.75 t/ha.
Vittal Cocoa Hybrid-1: a early bearing, stable, high yielder recommended for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu with yield potential of 1.5-2.5 kg/tree/year in 15-18 m2 canopy.
Vittal Cocoa Hybrid-2: a variety recommended for Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Gujarat with yield potential of 1.5-2.5 kg/tree/year in 14-20 m2 canopy.
Cashew Nethra Jumbo-1: a variety suitable for rainfed conditions recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 5-6 fruits per panicle.
Cashew Nethra Ganga (H-130): a hybrid variety with bold nuts recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 6-8 nuts per panicles.
Coconut Kalpa Suvarna: a dwarf, high yielding, dual purpose, early flowering coconut variety recommended for Karnataka and Kerala.
Coconut Kalpa Shatabdi: a dual-purpose coconut variety recommended for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Marigold Pusa Bahar: recommended for Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Goa with yield potential of 50-60 large-sized flowers/plant.
Tuberose Arka Vaibhav: recommended for West Bengal, Assam, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka with yield potential of 2.5-3.0 lakh spikes/ ha/ year.
Crossandra Arka Shreeya: a hybrid novel flower variety recommended for Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra & Karnataka with yield potential of 2269.2 kg/ac/year.
भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद द्वारा विकसित 109 जैव-संवर्धित एवं जलवायु अनुकूल किस्में कृषि तथा किसान के प्रति सरकार की प्रतिबद्धता का परिचायक हैं।
— Shivraj Singh Chouhan (@ChouhanShivraj) August 11, 2024
आज आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi जी द्वारा किसानों को समर्पित उन्नत बीज की यह किस्में उत्पादन बढ़ाने, लागत घटाने तथा कृषि को… pic.twitter.com/R0mJRkPPSo
Gladiolus Arka Amar: a hybrid flower variety recommended for Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra with yield potetial of 17 florets/spike.
Gladiolus Arka Aayush: a flower variety resistant to Fusarium wilt disease recommended for West Bengal, Punjab, Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
Velvet Bean Arka Dhanvantari: a long-duration variety recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 2- 2.5 t/ha.
Velvet Bean Arka Daksha: a medium duration variety recommended for Karnataka wth yield poptential of 1.6- 2 t/ha.
Arka Ashwagandha: a pure line selection with high dry root variety recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 11.95 q/ha.
Mandukaparni Arka Prabhavi: recommended for Karnataka with yield potential of 13 tonnes of fresh herb and 2.3 tonnes of dry herb/ ha/ year.
Safflower ISF-123-sel-15: suitable for late sown rainfed conditions recommended for Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, & Telangana with yield potential of 16.31 q/ha.
Safflower ISF-300: recommended for Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh with yield potential of 17.96 q/ha.
Soybean NRC 197: suitable for rainfed Kharif season recommended for Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand with yield potential of 16.24 q/ha.
Soybean NRC 149: suitable for rainfed Kharif season recommended for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand & Eastern Bihar with yield potential of 24.0 q/ha.
Groundnut Girnar 6 NRCGCS 637: suitable for timely sown Kharif season recommended for Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab states & Haryana with yield potential of 30.30 q/ha.
Groundnut TCGS 1707 ICAR KONARK Spanish Bunch: suitable for timely sown rainfed/ irrigated Kharif recommended for Odisha & West Bengal with yield potential of 24.76 q/ha.
Sesame Tanjila CUMS-09A: recommended for West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Kerala with yield potential of 438.5 kg/ha - 558.0 kg/ha.
Buckwheat Him Tara EC125940: suitable for rainfed Kharif hilly areas recommended for Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand with yield potential 14.04 q/ha.
Amaranth Him Gauri IC037156: suitable for grain cultivation during Rainfed Kharif season recommended for Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand with yield potential of 24.06 q/ha.
Grain Amaranth RMA 120 Jodhpur Rajgira 2: recommended for Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand & Chhattisgarh with yield potential of 14.05 q/ha.
CICR-H NC Cotton 64: suitable for rainfed and irrigated conditions yield of 10.11 q/ha, maturity 160-165 days.
Cotton PDKV Dhawal: suitable for timely sown Kharif under rainfed situations, yield 12.84 q/ha, maturity 160-180 days.
White Jute JRC 9: suitable for timely sown rainfed/ irrigated condition, yield 31.97 q/ha, maturity 110 – 120 days (fibre), 120- 130 days (seed)
"किसानों की समृद्धि का आधार बनेंगे उन्नत बीज"
— Office of Shivraj (@OfficeofSSC) August 11, 2024
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi जी द्वारा राष्ट्र के किसानों को समर्पित 109 जैव-संवर्धित एवं जलवायु अनुकूल किस्मों से किसानों की प्रगति को नई गति मिलेगी।@AgriGoI @icarindia #उन्नत_किस्में_खुशहाल_किसान pic.twitter.com/qqu5IldjF9