KVKs are the guiding force in the Preparedness strategies for “Promotion of Mechanization for In-situ Management of Crop Residue in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi” and the PCs of KVKs of Punjab, Haryana & Western UP were also assembled in the interaction meet at NASC Complex, Delhi and the plan should be finalized so that it can be executed in stipulated timeframe. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) appreciated the role of ICAR-ATARI and KVKs who have done commendable work on this aspect. He also appreciated the demonstration conducted by KVKs on Happy seeder and multilayer benefits like enrichment of the soil, water saving weed control and environmental services and expressed his desire to make aware the farmers on these aspects.
A Meeting was held under the chairmanship Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra , Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) on Preparedness strategies for “Promotion of Mechanization for In-situ Management of Crop Residue in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi” with PCs of KVKs of Punjab, Haryana & Western UP at NASC Complex, Delhi.
Dr. Mohapatra, in his presidential remarks, highlighted the sequence of development in framing the scheme developed by ICAR and the expectations of the Central Government in addressing the issue of residue burning in a holistic manner. He emphasized that KVKs will be guiding force in this campaign and the plan should be finalized so that it can be executed in the stipulated timeframe. He appreciated the role of ICAR-ATARI and KVKs who have done commendable work on this aspect. He appreciated the demonstration conducted by KVKs on Happy seeder and multilayer benefits like enrichment of the soil, water saving weed control and environmental services and expressed his desire to make aware the farmers on these aspects. He urged the participants to work cohesively and systematically so that the message of residue management can reach to the last mile farmers. He suggested all-out efforts should be made to make it a unique campaign by roping in all the stakeholders in the loop. He wished that missionary approach of KVKs will spread the message up to the last village and make this daunting task practical possible and visualized that the problem of residue burning will be sorted out in coming one to two years.
Earlier, Dr. A. K. Singh, DDG (Agri. Ext.) welcomed the delegates and briefed about the purpose of the meeting. He informed that the Information, Education and Communication (IEC) part of this scheme is to be executed very shortly and the preparations and preparedness has to be started on war footing. He appreciated the role of KVKs in addressing the issue of residue burning in a big way and everybody including the policymakers is aware of KVKs contribution. He urged all the KVKs to be proactive in the campaign and make it a mass movement of farmers taking village panchayat, SHGs, FPOs, NGOs, service providers, school children, college students and others in the loop.
Dr. Rajbir Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Ludhiana highlighted the different components of the campaign and the success stories of the Massive Campaign against Residue Burning initiated by KVKs. He also presented the detail of a comprehensive proposal to be executed in IEC component of this scheme.
Dr. P L Singh, Pri. Scientist, Division of Agri. Engg., KAB-II, New Delhi presented the detail of the scheme and various timelines to be followed in the scheme, particularly in IEC components and discussed the detail components of IEC in a timeline manner. Later on, Programme Coordinators of KVKs from Punjab, Haryana and Western UP deliberated during the discussion and shared their experiences.
Dr. V. P. Chahal, ADG (Agri. Ext.) thanked the participating delegates in his concluding remarks.