As anticipated by many, in the current backdrop of the loan waivers in the country, Odisha farmers too have raised such demands. Demanding implementation of the MS Swaminathan Commission recommendations on fixing minimum support price (MSP) and interest free credit for agriculture Peasants in Odisha staged demonstration,under the banner of Bhumi Adhikar Andolan (BAA) farmers representative demanded for a comprehensive loan waiver and further demanded Rs. 3000 per quintal of paddy as the MSP. BAA Odisha coordinator Narendra Mohanty said, “ As the majority of farming is done by the sharecroppers, they should get recognition as farmers in the proposed Share Cropper Protection Law in Odisha with appropriate amendments to the Odisha Land Reform Act-1960”.
States of Maharashtra, UP, Punjab and Karnataka already have joined the class of loan waivers. It is expected for more states to raise such demands in the future if the demands are accepted with such high frequency.