The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has delivered the dates for Railways enrollment exams for occupations advertised before. RRB will direct the tests for enlistment to the Railways NTPC (non-technical popular category) classification, Isolated and Ministerial classifications and Railways Level 1, starting from December 15 onwards.
Tests organized for this reason must be postponed recently because of the pandemic and lockdown. In a recent release, South Western Railway said that applicants would be chosen alone on the basis of legitimacy, and cautioned candidates from falling prey to bogus guarantees by corrupt people.
The release also mentioned, “Indian Railways warns the applicants to be wary about touts and job criminals attempting to trick by making bogus guarantees of finding a job or work in Railways either through impact, cash or by some other unreasonable methods. Applicants discovered entertaining such means will be excluded and will be subject for lawful activity against them”.
The Railways, under the Isolated & Ministerial categories will be recruiting for 1,663 posts, under the NTPC category, it has 35,208 vacancies and under Level 1, it has 1,03,769 vacancies. The total adds up to 1,40,640 vacancies in total.
The Indian Railways, under its Railway NTPC category, will be recruiting for 35,208 vacancies of Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Guard, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, among others.
Similarly, under its Isolated & Ministerial categories, Railways will be recruiting qualified candidates to 1,663 posts of Stenographer, Chief Law Assistant, Junior Translator (Hindi), PG teacher, Trained graduate teacher, PRT, etc. The CBT (computer-based test) for these vacancies will be held from December 15 till December 18 and over 1 lakh candidates are expected to appear for the exam.
Apart from the above two, Railways will also be recruiting under its RRC Level-1 category, and will recruit for 1,03,769 vacancies of Track Maintainers, Points man, etc. According to the available official data, nearly 1.15 crore applicants have applied for these posts. RRB will be conducting the exams between December 18 and end of March 2021.
Reports have expressed that about 2 crore 40 lakh applications altogether have been gotten for these Railways vacancies. The notices for these posts had been delivered by the RRB as far back as 2019, and after a significant delay for the same, the Railways tests have been planned to be held.