Farmers are advised to follow these weather-based advisories for their crop and livestock and updated crop-specific advisory always visit Krishi Jagran Regularly.
Keeping given heatwave in next three days as per IMD forecast, farmers are advised to provide frequent irrigation in vegetables, nurseries of vegetables, fodder crops, and orchards. The optimum moisture levels should be maintained in cucurbitaceous crops by light and frequent irrigation as dry conditions may lead to poor pollination and thus a drop in the yield of the crop. Also, Irrigate the okra crop at short intervals.
Apply irrigation only in the evening or early morning. Do mulching with crop residue, straw, /polythene to conserve soil moisture.
Farmers are also advised to protect vegetable nurseries and orchards against hot winds by a physical barrier.
Given the possibility of high temperature, farmers should harvest the vegetables in the early morning or evening and then keep them in a shady place. Maintain moisture in cucurbitaceous crops, otherwise, low moisture will affect pollination. Production may decrease.
As the harvesting of rabi crops is almost complete so farmers are advised before sowing Kharif crops to test their soil from certified agencies and to do laser leveling in their field if required. The soil test tells us about the fertility of the soil, the salinity of the soil, and the acidity. Apart from this, the soil test tells us about the amount of organic carbon and nutrients needed for crop production in the soil and how much more fertilizer is needed to get full production from the crop
High temperature is suitable for deep plowing of fields after harvesting of Rab. It helps in destroying the eggs and pupating stages of insects and weed seeds.
To increase production, farmers are advised to sow on time. Use certified and improved seeds. Treat the seeds and keep the proper seed rate. After getting the soil tested, use balanced fertilizer as recommended and save money on fertilizer. Be sure to take the bill while buying fertilizer/seed/pesticides.
Whiteflyly, which is the main primary pest of rabi crop and survives on weed during May and June months so start pruning for the management of the whitefly population.
For establishing new citrus orchards, dig pits of size 1x1x1 at a distance of 6x6 meters. In Kinnow and Malta orchards, spray calcium nitrate at 1500 grams per 100 liters of water in the morning or evening. Plum plants go into dormancy when summer starts in May. Therefore, pruning should be done in May.
Picking of summer watermelon and muskmelon are advised. Do not pluck unripe fruits. Drying of stalk near fruit, thumping sound, and change in color of the belly are important symptoms of ripening of fruits. Do not pick up fruits just after (12-24 hours) after irrigation.
To control the dropping of fruits in kinnow orchard, farmers are advised to spray 2,4-D (horticultural grade) @ 1 g/100 liter of water, or fruit dropping may be prevented by spraying the solution of Propineb 70 WP @ 2 g /liter + 20 mg gibberellic acid/liter of water.
Farmers are advised for pruning in Ber crop as it is the right time for pruning. Pruning in May is an essential operation as flowering and fruiting only take place in new growth/branches and if missed it can make a major impact on yield. During pruning remove the dried, diseased branches that are rubbing each other
Farmers are advised to clean and dry the storehouse and keep a check on rats and insects by sealing the pore with cement or dung before storing the produce. Also, pray with Malathion @0.5% to disinfect the storehouse.
After harvesting the mature crop from the field, do not burn the crop residue. The crop residues are mixed properly into the soil by Plough, straw chopper, Rotavator, straw reaper, and cultivator.