According to the ministry of labour and employment, retail inflation for agricultural and rural workers in February 2023 was 6.94% and 6.87%, respectively. In February 2022, it was 5.59 percent and 5.94 percent, respectively.
According to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, this increase is attributable to price increases in medicine, doctor's fees, barber charges, bus fare, laundry businesses, cinema tickets, and other items.
"Point-to-point rate of inflation based on the CPI-AL (All-India Consumer Price Index Number for agricultural labourers) and CPI-RL (All-India Consumer Price Index Number for rural labourers) stood at 6.94% and 6.87% in February 2023, respectively, compared to 6.85% and 6.88% in January 2023 and 5.59% and 5.94%, respectively, during the corresponding month of the previous year," according to the statement.
"Food inflation remained at 6.82 percent and 6.68 percent in February 2023, respectively, compared to 6.61 percent and 6.47 percent in January 2023," the ministry stated in a statement issued March 20 evening.
It observed a rise of 1 to 8 points in 12 states and a reduction of 1 to 7 points in 8 states for agricultural labourers. According to the announcement, Tamil Nadu led the index table with 1,359 points, while Himachal Pradesh remained at the bottom with 915 points.
It observed a rise of 1 to 8 points in 12 states and a decline of 1 to 7 points in 8 states for rural labourers. According to the ministry, Tamil Nadu led the index table with 1349 points, while Himachal Pradesh came in last with 961 points.