Government has launched Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yolanda- “SAUBHAGYA” in order to ensure electrification of all willing households. The aim of the scheme is to supply power by end of 2018 to every household that ask for it. Outlay for rural household is Rs 14,025 crore with budgetary support of Rs 10,587.50 crore. For urban house-holds the outlay is 2,295 crore while budgetary support is 1,732.50 crore. As per recent reports from the states, household electrification level in rural areas is more than 82 per cent, ranging from 47 to 100 per cent across various states," the communique from the power ministry said. This scheme, launched last year, will also help provide last mile connectivity to village homes.
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Prime Minister, Narendra Modi , in August 2015 promised electricity in all villages by May 2018. And in April 29,2018 Modi announces that all villages in the country will have electricity.
The data for village electrification are as under:
Year |
No. of villages. |
2008 |
4,82,864 |
2012 |
5,57,439 |
2017 |
5,96,556 |
2018 |
5,97,464 |
It is more than seven decades after Independence that India has acjeived its target of electrification which was achieved after 12 days of target set by the Prime minister. "28th April 2018 will be remembered as a historic day in the development journey of India. Yesterday, we fulfilled a commitment due to which the lives of several Indians will be transformed forever! I am delighted that every single village of India now has access to electricity," Modi tweeted.

As many as 18,452 villages were without electricity when the BJP-led government came to power in May 2014. Today, all of the country's 5,97,464 census villages have been electrified.
According to government definition, a village is considered electrified if it has the basic electrical infrastructure and 10 per cent of its households and public places have power.
PrimeMinister thanked all involved in achieving the target and making it a success. When the BJP-led government launched its version of the village electrification scheme -- the Rs 76,000-crore Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) --- there were an estimated 18,452 unelectrified villages. An additional 1,275 villages were added to the list subsequently.Now with the launch of Saubhagya yojna the remaining can be achieved with greater efficiency by the end of 2018.