The gathering of all the countries of the world at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COPI5 summit in Core d’Ivoire represented a key opportunity to redouble governmental policy efforts aimed at reversing the degradation of agricultural land all around the world, and in so doing bring humanity back from the very brink of soil extinction.
There are many scientific nuances on how to handle the problem of land degradation in different types of soil conditions, in various agro-climatic zones, and in the differing contexts of cultural and economic traditions. It is nevertheless possible to distill out one overarching objective - which is to ensure that there is a minimum of 3-6% organic content in agricultural soil. This would make our soil vibrantly living, and sustainably thriving across all agricultural lands.
The overarching objective of ensuring a minimum 3-6% of organic content for agricultural soil can in turn be achieved with a pragmatic three-pronged strategy.
We need to make it aspirational for farmers to achieve the minimum threshold of 3-6% organic content by providing attractive incentives for getting to this threshold.
We need to facilitate carbon credit incentives for farmers. The current processes for farmers to avail of carbon credit benefits are far too complex - and therefore need significant simplification.
We need to develop a mark of superior quality for food grown from soil that has a minimum 3-6% organic content level. Alongside doing this, we should also clearly articulate the various health, nutritional and preventive health benefits of consuming such foods.
Time is running out. But fortunately we know what to do. With the development of appropriate Government policies, we can turn the clock back on the Impending extinction of Soil. To facilitate this task of rapid Government policy evolution across the world, the Save Soil Movement is creating a handbook of recommendations for India, alongside doing so for all the 193 countries of the world.
The India recommendations handbook also contains recommendations for various Indian States. besides the country as a whole. More details can be obtained from the movement's website at 5avesorl.org