SBI will release the SBI Clerk Result 2021 for the mains examination in the online mode. All those candidates who appeared in SBI Junior Associates Mains 2021 can check their results from the SBI official website.
The Exam was conducted successfully on October 1 & 17, 2021 and the results are expected by the second week of November.
The candidates will also receive a scorecard by entering their registration number and date of birth, once the SBI Clerk Result Link goes live. The candidates, who will be shortlisted, will have to appear for a language proficiency test. This test will be mandatory for those who did not have their local language as one of their subjects in the secondary or senior secondary level.
How to Download the SBI Clerk Mains Result 2021?
Log on to SBI Official website.
Click on the button “Careers”
In the latest announcements section, click on the SBI Junior Associates Mains Result 2021 Link
A login page will appear. Enter your registration Number and date of birth. Next enter the text verification as shown on the screen.
Your SBI Clerk Mains Results 2021 is displayed, download and save your result.
Check your name, status and marks scored in the mains exam
Every year State bank of India, SBI conducts the SBI Clerk Exam to recruit candidates for the post of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales). SBI had announced 5454 vacancies for junior associates this year.
SBI Clerk Selection Criteria consist of 2 phases (Preliminary & Mains)
SBI conducts a preliminary examination, based on the scores of which SBI shortlists candidates for mains examination. Candidates are required to score passing marks and above in Mains Examination to qualify each section as well as the overall cut off in the main exam to be eligible for the Final selection.
A merit list is released under the Final result and it is declared on the basis of the merit list in SBI Clerk Mains Exam.