The State Bank of India (SBI) has announced an online recruitment drive for thousands of vacancies for interested candidates. SBI has invited job seekers to apply for 1031 vacancies in order to fill the positions of Channel Manger Facilitator, Support Officer, and Channel Manager Supervisor.
The State Bank of India said that the online job application is announced for the engagement of erstwhile Associates (e-Abs), retired officers of SBI, and other PSBs and award staff of SBI & e-Abs. Hence, interested candidates may apply for the SBI Recruitment 2023 before the due date.
SBI Recruitment 2023: Vacancy Details
Channel Manager Facilitator -Anytime Channels (CMF-AC) – 821 posts
Channel Manager Supervisor- Anytime Channels (CMS-AC) – 172 posts
Support Officer Anytime Channels (SO-AC) – 38 posts
SBI Recruitment 2023: Educational Qualification
Candidates who are willing to apply for the SBI recruitment 2023 must have the following educational qualification.
There is no particular education required for this position, however, candidate must be the retired personnel having work experience in the ATM operations.
Required Skills (If any): The retired employee should possess a Smart Mobile Phone and the skill / aptitude / quality for monitoring through PC / Mobile App / Laptop or as per requirement.
SBI Recruitment 2023: Monthly Remuneration
Channel Manager Facilitator - Anytime Channels (CMF-AC) – Selected candidates for this post will be given a monthly salary of Rs.36,000/-.
Channel Manager Supervisor - Anytime Channels (CMS-AC) – Candidates appointed as a Channel Manager Supervisor – Anytime Channels (CMS-AC) will be given Rs.41,000/- per month.
Support Officer - Anytime Channels (SO-AC) – Candidates selected as Support Officer will get Rs.41,000/- per month as remuneration.
SBI Recruitment 2023: How to Apply?
Step 1: Candidates must have an email ID as it will be required at different stages such as getting the call letter or interview update.
Step 2: Candidates are required to visit at the official website of SBI.
Step 3: Then move to career option.
Step 4: After this, open the appropriate application form.
Step 5: Fill the details appropriately.
Step 6: Upload the required documents.
Step 7: Submit the form and take the print of the submitted form.
SBI Recruitment 2023: Last Date of Application
Candidates must fill the application before 30th April 2023.