Bengaluru start up in collaboration with an agriculturist and certifier of sustainable products has brought sigh of relief to all the environment conscious worshippers who faced dilemma before, using the idol made of plaster of paris and using non biodegradable paint. This start up has not only brought the concept of green Ganeshas and used organic vegetable dyes but has moved a step ahead in their thought by making it also germinate. As you water the Ganesha idol, the seed ball inside each idol would sprout in time of week and would get all the nutrition from the inserted mix of peat from coconut waste and manure. The choice of seed is upto the customer. What all the customer is need to do is water the idol after performing the rituals and rather than immersing, put the idol under sunlight to let the seed grow.
The idols are available via the company’s web site, growsharesustain.com. They plan to make around 200 in their first batch, and more depending on orders. Prices start at around Rs. 220 for a six-inch idol.