The ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kanpur & Agricultural Skill Council of India (ASCI), New Delhi jointly organized a 3-day training programme on “Training of Trainers (ToT)” at Kanpur from 17th to 19th December 2018.
Participants from 10 States of India representing KVKs, SAUs and ICAR Institutes participated in the programme.
Dr. Atar Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur inaugurated the programme. In his inaugural address, he emphasized on the need for Training of Trainers programme and discussed about its required Qualification Packs and Job Roles.

Shri Raj Kumar, resource person from Agricultural Skill Council of India, New Delhi briefed about the orientation of ToT and the role of ASCI and impact of skill training and its importance and benefits for the trainers.
The second session of ToT focused on platform skills, NSQF Compliance, Qualification Packs, Job Roles, Skill Data Management System, etc. During this, the assessment included written and oral examinations.
Trainees can use the material and exercises in this curriculum when designing future TOT workshops. In addition, as noted in the description of each exercise, some of them may be suitable for the training of peer educators and for field work, where peer educators work with target groups of young people. The exercises that follow might also be used in refresher trainings. Once trained, trainers need continuing support, including further training. This provides a way to help trainers stay aware of new material and sharpen their training skills. Many topics and techniques described in this curriculum are accompanied by training notes. These provide information to help trainers understand why a topic is important or how specific techniques will contribute to the objectives of the peer education training of trainers.