National Testing Agency, also known as NTA has published the UGC NET Final Answer Key 2019 on its website today 10 July, 2019. Students who want to check or download the answer key can do so from the official website of NTA - ntanet.nic.in. As the answer key has been released the Agency will very soon declare the UGC NET Result 2019 on its website. Hence students must keep checking the official website.
The UGC NET exam this year was held from 20 June to 26 June, 2019. The examination was conducted in CBT (Computer Based Test) mode.
The NTA had released the provisional answer key on 1st July, 2019 and the objection window for students was opened from 1 July to 3 July, 2019 to raise their objections. For each objection or challenge, candidates had to pay a sum of Rs. 1000 (one thousand only) online. If the challenge is found correct then the Agency would refund the fee to student.
In order to check and download the answer key without any hassle, candidates must follow the steps given below:

How to Check and Download UGC NET Final Answer Key 2019
Step 1 - Open the official website of NTA - ntanet.nic.in on your computer/laptop.
Step 2 - Click on UGC NET answer key link available on the home page.
Step 3 - A new page will open where you will have to download a pdf file.
Step 4 - Save the answer key for further use.
Direct link to check UGC NET answer key 2019
As many as 6,81,718 candidates had appeared for the UGC NET examination this year. The exam was conducted in around 615 centres across the country. UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is an exam to qualify for Assistant Professor Post in Indian Universities or for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) award. Candidates who require more information can go to the official website of UGC or NTA.