Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, attended the 8th BRICS Environment Ministers Meeting today. The meeting took place almost entirely under the leadership of the People's Republic of China. "Foster High-Quality BRICS Partnership, Usher in a New Era for Global Development," was the meeting's theme. The meeting also included ministers and delegates from Brazil, Russia, and South Africa.
In his remarks to the meeting, the Minister emphasized the importance of the BRICS nations in combating global environmental and climate change challenges.
Yadav emphasized developed countries' historical responsibility for depleting the carbon budget; equity at all scales in climate action and sustainable development; lifestyle and reducing unsustainable consumption in mitigating climate change; Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC); national circumstances and priorities; Climate Justice; and fulfillment of developed countries' commitments on climate finance and mitigation.
The Union Environment Minister, while highlighting India's Climate Actions, stated that BRICS-led initiatives should be country-driven and voluntary in nature, and emphasized the importance of international cooperation and multilateralism.
During the discussion on Joining Forces to Promote Green and Low-carbon Development, the Minister stated that existing BRICS initiatives can also help to promote sustainable and low-carbon development.
Low-carbon development, in general, is a new pattern of political and economic development aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and achieving sustainable development of the environment, economy, and society.
Solar energy, industry transition, infrastructure, and climate resilience are all areas where the BRICS countries could collaborate. After much deliberation among the BRICS nations, the Joint Statement for the 8th BRICS Environment Ministers Meeting was adopted at the meeting.