Uttar Pradesh Public service commission (UPPSC) has invited has invited applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of Mines Officer, Staff Nurse & Other Posts. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website of UPPSC (uppsc.up.nic.in). This is an amazing government job opportunity for anyone who is looking for all the job seekers.
Find all details related to these vacancies in this article:
UPPSC Recruitment 2022: Notification Summary
Staff Nurse: 558 Posts
Miner Officer: 16 Posts
Principal: 1 Post
Professor: 1 Post
Reader: 1 Post
The last date to apply for Staff Nurse is February 17 2022 and for all other posts is 19 February 2022.
UPPSC Recruitment 2022: Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification
A candidate for direct recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse (Male) Must Have passed High School Examination with Science and passed Intermediate Examination of the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh or an equivalent Examination recognized by the Government. The age limit of the candidate should be between 21 to 40 years of age.
Candidates who want to apply for the Mining Officer & other posts mentioned above can check the educational qualification and age limit through the official notification. It is important for the candidates applying for the posts other than Staff Nurse to have good knowledge of Hindi Language.
UPPSC Recruitment 2022: Application Fees
For Staff Nurse Recruitment:
The application fees for UR/EWS/OBC category candidates is Rs 125/- and application fees for SC/ST and Ex-Serviceman is Rs 65/- and handicapped is Rs 25/-. Category wise prescribed examination fee is to be deposited as per instructions provided in second stage.
For Mining Officer & Other Posts:
Candidates belonging to unreserved category, other backward classes will have to pay Rs 105/- scheduled caste and scheduled tribe category candidates will have to pay Rs 65/- and handicapped candidates will have to pay Rs 25/-.
UPPSC Recruitment 2022: Important Links
For any other information, you can refer to:
Staff Nurse Official Notification
Mining Officer & Other Posts Official Notification