Weather Forecast for next five days received from India Meteorological Department, Regional Meteorological Centre, Agromet Advisory Unit, Lodhi Road, New Delhi is given below
Weather parameter/ Date |
10-06-20 |
11-06-20 |
12-06-20 |
13-06-20 |
14-06-20 |
Rainfall (mm) |
1.0 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
3.0 |
5.0 |
Maximum Temperature (°C) |
40 |
39 |
39 |
38 |
37 |
Minimum Temperature (°C) |
28 |
28 |
29 |
28 |
28 |
Average Cloud Cover (Okta) |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
6 |
Maximum RH. (%) |
80 |
80 |
85 |
90 |
90 |
Minimum RH. (%) |
40 |
35 |
40 |
45 |
50 |
Average Wind Speed( kmph) |
22 |
20 |
20 |
15 |
15 |
Predominant Wind direction |
Cumulative Rainfall (mm) |
12.0 mm |
Special weather |
light rain/thunder shower accompanied with gusty winds(speed 30-40 kmph) on 12th, 13th and 14th June. |

Weather based Agromet-Advisories (for the period ending on 14th June, 2020)
Advisory based on advices received from the subject matter specialists of agromet-advisory committee:
Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government
guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval
social distancing during picking of vegetables and other agricultural operation in all crops.
Farmers are advised to start preparation of paddy nurseries. For one hectare of crop field 800-1000 square metre nursery is sufficient. Before sowing seeds in nursery seed treatment by captan 2g /kg of seed should be done. Hybrid varieties: - K. R. H 2, PHB 71, Pant hybrid Dhan1, Narendra hybrid dhan 1, P R H 10 High yielding varieties- Pusa 44, Pant Dhan-4, Pant Dhan-10, Pusa basmati 1718, Pusa basmati-1637, Pusa basmati-1401, Pusa sugandha-5, Pusa sughanda-4 (Pusa 1121). Seed should be procured from certified agency.
Sowing of pigeonpea may be done in this week. Adequate moisture should be maintained for optimum germination of seeds.Farmers are advised to procure good quality seeds from certified sources. Before sowing pigeon pea, seeds should be treated with crop specific Rhizobium culture and Phosphate Solublesing Bacteria (PSB). This treatment increases the crop production. Recommended varieties: - Pusa arhar-16, Pusa 2001, Pusa 992, Paras, Manak.
Farmers are advised to start sowing of green gram and blackgram. Green gram Variety: - Pusa Visal, Pusa 5931, SML-668, Samrat;. Blackgram Varities Urd type-9, T-31, T-39. Seed treatment with crop specific Rhizobium culture as well as phosphorus solubilishing bacteria is also advised. Farmers are advised to ensure proper moisture before sowing for optimum germination.
Farmers are advised for preparation of nursery for early cauliflower, tomato, chilli and brinjal. It is also advised to use shed nets, which helps in reducing vector disease and thus produce healthy seedlings. Nursery should be cover by net at the height of 6.5 feet for protection against sunlight. Seed should be sown in nursery after treatment with thiram 2.0 – 2.5 gram/kg of seed.
After harvesting of mature lady finger application of urea @ 5-10 kg/acre and thereafter application of light irrigation is advised. Constant monitoring of lady finger crop against attack of mite, jassid and hoper is advised.
Keeping in view of temperature forecast, farmers are advised for harvesting of mature vegetable crop at morning and evening and kept them in sheds.
During this weather conditions when farm operations are less, farmers are advised to test their soil from certified agencies.
Farmers who want to establish new orchard gardens are advised for digging of pits as per requirement and keep it open to kill harmful insect- pest and weed seed in hot climate of June.
Members of Agro Advisory Committee
Dr. Ananta Vashisth (Nodal Officer, Agril. Physics)
Dr. P. Krishnan (Head, Division of Agril. Physics)
Dr. Deb Kumar Das (Principal Scientist, Agril. Physics)
Dr. Subhash Chander (Professor, Entomology)
Dr. J.P.S.Dabas (Principal Scientist and Incharge, CATAT)
Dr. B. S. Tomar (Head, Division of Vegetable Science)
Dr. Dinesh Kumar (Principal Scientist, Agronomy)