Sudhanshu Kumar, based in Samastipur, Bihar, has been honored with the State Horticulture Farmer Award by Krishi Jagran for his remarkable achievements in litchi cultivation. With 15 acres of land under his care, Sudhanshu has dedicated himself to farming for the past 34 years. Alongside litchi, he grows a diverse range of crops including strawberries, dragon fruits, custard apples, and more.
When asked about his income, Sudhanshu proudly mentions that he earns an average of 20-22 lakhs per annum from his farming endeavors. Let’s deep dive into his journey. Read edited excerpts from the interview.
Early Beginnings and Passion
After completing his graduation and post-graduation in History, Sudhanshu started his career journey at Tata Tea Garden in Munnar, Kerala as an Assistant Manager. Despite his success in the corporate world, his heart always longed for agricultural practices.
Overcoming Challenges
Driven by this passion, Sudhanshu made the bold decision to return to his hometown and pursue agriculture. However, his journey was not that easy. He started with a completely barren land. Next, he transformed it by implementing scientific techniques such as cutting and pruning, with guidance from the scientists at RPCAU, Pusa.
Soon, his efforts bore fruit, as he managed to increase the earnings from the land from a mere 25,000 to an impressive 1,35,000. This success served as both motivation and inspiration for Sudhanshu to continue his journey in agriculture, propelling him forward with renewed determination.

Harnessing Technology
He then proceeded with planting a litchi orchard. However, he faced irrigation-related challenges, prompting him to adopt sprinkler irrigation methods. Further, he also struggled with finding the right market price for his yields. To find a better market, he connected with processors in Muzaffarpur, who agreed to buy his litchis but only at 9 a.m., and the place was 100 km away. Undeterred by the tribulation, he worked tirelessly for six days, harvesting them throughout the night. His efforts paid off, earning him 3 lakh 65 thousand. Moreover, through the adoption of micro-irrigation, his income grew from 3 lakh to 20-22 lakh within 20 years. Recently, he sold a 15-acre litchi orchard for 32 lakhs!
Government Support and Initiatives
Sudhanshu acknowledges the support of the Indian government for his success as he received approximately 80 lakh subsidy. Today, his farm has modern technology equipment such as soil sensors and weather stations, which not only reduce input costs but also enhance productivity. By avoiding dependence on middlemen, he has established a good marketing network. Additionally, he started the Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) last year, named Nayanagar Fed Farmers Producer Company Ltd, with the aim of involving the entire village in agricultural activities.
Message for All
For fellow farmers, he emphasizes the importance of not relying solely on traditional methods. He encourages them to adopt modern and scientific techniques to enhance productivity.