We have been feeding you with success story of farmers, We have discussed many success stories of how farmers with their hard work and sheer determination have been able to germinate gold from their barren lands. On a land, which has the same nutrients, same productivity, in the air, with same moisture and same dryness, on the place where same sun shines as bright or as dull, some people leaves everyone behind, not to show others that they could/ can do something different and earn huge, but to find their inner strength, their motives and to prove themselves that they are worth their determination. Life is to be seen as small achievements not big successes and these little efforts everyday, these tiny steps every now and then makes one to reach the zenith of achievements : the SUCCESS, which again is just a comparative term, with no ends.
Today, digressing from success story of farmers, We shall discuss about a personality who came from farming background, perhaps struggled with the odds of his villages, left the prejudices behind and with his bag of determination, wrapped in confidence decided to go along with the history of his family lineage : FARMING, but yes, in a little unconventional manner. Un-conventional in a sense that he decided to study agriculture.

After completing his primary education in his village, he moved to Unnao to complete his secondary education. After completing this basic education, he moved to Chandra Shekhar Azad University, Kanpur to pursue BSc. Agriculture. This was not sufficient, in 1980 he started his masters course in Pant-Nagar University. Fate was already written in the stars for this man, the next year in 1981, he moved to Pune to attend IFFCO training program, That was just the beginning. From then to now, becoming Marketing Director of IFFCO, Yogendra Kumar has proved no backgrounds, no records, no matter where you come from, no matter what you were, It all depends on who you are today, and what you are doing to becoming “what you want” tomorrow.
Coming from a farmers’ background, his fathers and grandparents were farmers and practiced agriculture at their land. He might not have dreamt of being at this position when he started off his career, but every day he did something different, something significant and something important which brought him the entitlements and the positions at which he stands today.
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