Janardan Khorate was building organic farming infrastructure when it wasn’t even a trend. Janardan Khorate, also famous as Saladbaba, has been in the organic farming industry ever since he was young.
He learned from his mentor David Gower and was upskilled to become India’s youngest organic farmer. However, he didn’t just stop there. He empowered organic farmers, their families, and their children by sponsoring their education and upgrading their lifestyles.
Janardan was born in a small village based out of Goa. He didn’t have a luxurious or comfortable lifestyle. His parents struggled most of his life to generate a livelihood. His family’s misery drove Janardan to transform his life and give his parents the life they deserved. And he embarked on the journey to re-invent himself. He met David Gower, a man from London who came to Goa to start Ambrosia Organic Farm. Under David’s mentorship, Janardan learned the art of farming and operating a company.
Impressed by Janardan’s virtuosity, David Gower handed over Ambrosia to Janardan in 2008. Since 2008, Janardan has Ambrosia Organic Farms soaring to new heights. He launched multiple organic products targeting different audiences. Today, Ambrosia is a well-recognized organic brand across Goa and other states as well.
Ambrosia Organic Farm originally started in 1993. At the time, it didn’t have any media coverage or marketing strategies. Since the handover, Janardan evolved the company into a brand valued at 40 crores. In addition, Ambrosia was felicitated to become India’s first company to launch rice cakes and fruit-flavored peanut butter in 2015 and 2018, respectively.
Furthermore, Ambrosia was also accorded by Times of India’s Iconic Organic Food of the year. Here are a few more accomplished of Saladbaba and Ambrosia Organic Farm:
Felicitated with the title of India's youngest organic farmer in 2015
Janardan recognized as Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015
Ambrosia Organic Farm became a Rising Brand in Asia in 2017
Launched India’s first organic fitness food in 2019
Janardan is a high-spirited, optimistic philanthropist married to the beautiful Janavi Khorate. Janavi is a professional lawyer who works for the welfare of organic farmers and resolves their issues. Together, they make a power couple.
Saladbaba is the wizard of organic farming for the way he transformed Ambrosia, and its brand image is simply marvelous. To provide education to farmers’ children, Ambrosia forwards 20% of its profits towards their education. In addition, Janardan is empowering hundreds of farmers with modern ways of organic farming and producing chemical-free produce.