Satyavan is an inspiring example of sustainable agriculture in a world dominated by chemical farming. Starting his journey in Dariyapur Kalan, Delhi, he adopted organic farming and proved that environmentally friendly practices can bring substantial economic benefits. He manages a diverse farm, growing vegetables, wheat, sugarcane, paddy, and other crops across 20 acres, with 5 acres dedicated to natural farming.
"Healthy soil makes a wealthy farmer," quotes Satyavan, alerting that chemical pesticides are deteriorating soil health and promoting soil diseases in crops. His farming includes integrated farming and intercropping which ultimately helps to rejuvenate his farm soil and yield as well.
A Pioneer in the Nursery of Onions
By using contemporary equipment in place of more antiquated techniques, Satyavan has mastered the skill of preparing onion nurseries. He now produces superior onion seedlings using organic methods, which he distributes to other farmers for Rs100 per kilogram. His income has increased dramatically just from this venture as well.
Increasing Sugarcane Revenues
In order to boost profitability, Satyavan investigated direct-to-market tactics as an alternative to traditional approaches of selling sugarcane to mills. His method helps farmers command higher prices by highlighting the significance of marketing methods in agriculture.
Satyavan distributes water to his pea and onion crops precisely via using sprinklers and drip irrigation. This technique highlights the advantages of contemporary irrigation over conventional methods while protecting crops from frost and increasing output. Satyavan makes Rs 18–20 lakh a year by combining organic farming, dairy farming, and nursery management. His model is very profitable because his input costs are very low, at about Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per acre.

As our soil becomes poisonous due to the overuse of pesticides and insecticides people are getting sick with deathly diseases of cancers, stomach ulcers, and the list are so on. Currently, he aims to meet the growing demand for organic produce by expanding his natural farming practices from 5 acres to 7 acres and providing his consumers with poisonous-free produce.
Message to Fellow Farmers
Our ancestors demonstrated that sustainable agricultural practices may produce high-quality outcomes for many years by engaging in natural farming without the use of chemical inputs like urea and DAP. I think we can successfully bring those practices back now. I urge you to investigate and implement ICAR's organic and natural farming techniques since they provide insightful information to further our understanding and sustainably increase productivity.

The inspirational tale of Satyavan shows how creative and ecological farming practices may pay off handsomely. He has established a standard for success in organic farming by putting an emphasis on soil health, utilizing contemporary technologies, and developing his own market potential. His story is a compelling illustration for farmers who want to balance environmental responsibility with financial success.