If you really wish to do something in your life, then there is nothing that can stop you from that. Ranbir Singh, who resides in Palwal, Haryana, had a similar story. He grows flowers and sells them in Delhi's Ghazipur Phoolmandi (flower market) on daily basis. In an interview, Ranbir Singh revealed that he began his floriculture in just two acres. But at present he cultivates Japanese flowers on 12 acres.
He sells his exotic flowers to various parts of the country, including Delhi. He earns lakhs per year by cultivating more than a dozen exotic flowers. From just one acre of land, he earns around Rs 5 and Rs 10 lakh yearly.
Story of the Farmer Ranveer Singh
Ranveer Singh, a farmer from Palwal, has been farming since childhood, but it was in 1995 that he began floriculture for the first time.
He told, that when he first started floriculture, he didn't make much money, but as time went on, he began to earn more from floriculture than from ordinary crops. In their fields, they now grow hundreds of different flowers. They are selling them in the markets of Delhi & Haryana. They also go straight to the flower market of Ghazipur.
He Also Works In Fields of Japanese Floriculture
Ranbir Singh also grows Japanese flower. In the wholesale market, a flower stock costs Rs.200. When you travel to big hotels and apartments in the retail sector, the price jumps to Rs.500 to Rs.700. On the other hand, the Brassica Flower fetches Rs. 30 per piece in the wholesale market.
Ranbir Singh’s Son Also Assist Him
He claims that he reaches the Ghazipur Phoolmandi every morning at 3 a.m. with flowers. Sanjay Singh, his son, also assists him.
Sanjay claims that “if we inform the farmers about our earnings, they will not believe it for the first time. He added that now feeds 40 people through his 12-acre farm. And earn around Rs 70 lakh per year from it.