Pramila Devi's journey is not just one of triumph over adversity; it is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope.
Pramila Devi, a native of Pes village in Nawada district, Bihar, was born into poverty and denied an education due to societal norms and financial constraints. Her early years were marked by hardship and limitations, but within her heart burned a fierce determination to break free from the chains of her circumstances.
At the tender age of 13, Pramila was married in Odo, Nardiganj. She found herself thrust into a role where, due to prevailing beliefs, she was expected to focus solely on household chores and childcare, with no authority to make decisions for the welfare of her family.
Reflecting on those early years, Pramila recalls, "I always yearned for more. I wanted to be educated and contribute to my family's well-being."
However, several years into her marriage, Pramila's life took a turn when she started attending village-level meetings organized by Corteva and PRADAN. It was during these meetings that she learned about the Direct Sowing of Rice (DSR) technique, which she found to be more affordable and promising compared to traditional transplantation methods. Pramila vividly remembers the moment she discovered DSR, saying, "It was like a ray of light in the darkness. I knew deep down that this was the opportunity I had been waiting for."
With unwavering determination, Pramila mustered the courage to challenge the prevailing norms. She passionately convinced her husband to accompany her to these meetings and explore the potential benefits of DSR.
After engaging in long discussions about the advantages, she successfully persuaded him to adopt the DSR technique. In 2020, with the guidance and support of PRADAN's demonstrations for the Corteva Agriscience DSR Project, Pramila planted paddy on about 0.2 acres of land.
Initially, Pramila faced harsh criticism and ridicule from some family members and villagers who doubted the effectiveness of the DSR method. However, through frequent field visits and ongoing support from PRADAN, her fears were dispelled, and she grew confident in her ability to succeed. Her hard work paid off when the paddy harvest exceeded her family's previous yields, reaching approximately 480 kg from 0.2 acres of land (6MT per hectare). Those who had once mocked her now recognized her as a leader in the DSR technique.
Pramila's success fueled her determination, and she continued practicing DSR in the following years, gradually expanding her cultivation to nearly 1 acre and 0.31 acres of land. The timely harvesting of paddy allowed her family to sow wheat, lentils, and gram on schedule, leading to increased productivity and profitability.
Alongside her farming endeavours, Pramila became an active advocate for DSR, inspiring and motivating other farmers in her village.
PRADAN's implementation of the Corteva Agriscience supported Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR) technology has played a pivotal role in equipping individuals like Pramila Devi with the necessary financial and technical resources.
Under this project, PRADAN took charge of the implementation in Khunti and Hazaribagh districts of Jharkhand, as well as Nawada district in Bihar. Through various capacity-building events, they reached out to 8,552 farmers, providing them with financial literacy and technical support.
The adoption of DSR has led to increased yields, reduced resource usage, and a more reliable farming cycle. It has also contributed to a sustainable ecosystem and promoted gender equality in agriculture.
Furthermore, by encouraging gender equality and women's empowerment, this initiative has paved the way for a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.
After achieving recognition and respect, Pramila gained the confidence to make independent decisions. She opened her own bank account to save money from crop sales and fulfill her family's needs.
Initially, she faced challenges in understanding the bank's procedures but eventually learned and mastered them. Her newfound independence is evident, and she no longer relies on others for assistance.
Pramila’s journey continues as she is dedicated to empowering women farmers, encouraging them to be independent and embrace DSR practices. She serves as a role model for women's empowerment, firmly believing that women are equal to men and that, with determination, they can achieve anything.