Teak Cultivation in India
A complete guide on Team cultivation in India
India’s Tea Production Indicates a Revival in 2021
According to the Tea Board, the country produced 1,329.04 million kilogrammes (mkg) of tea in 2021. This would represent an increase of 71.51 mkg (5.69%) above the 1,257.53 mkg produced in 2020.…
Tehran Eager to Lift Indian Whole Leaf Teas, Says will Pay Good Price for It
Iranian buyers have launched talks with Indian tea exchange to purchase whole leaf teas to satisfy the country’s domestic demand. The Gulf country, which was badly hit by the pandemic, is ready to pay decent prices to the Indian tea suppliers and the agreements will…
Tea board disburses subsidies worth Rs 13.88 crore to Farmers, Producers and Employees
In this fiscal year, the Tea Board disbursed approximately 1,388 crore subsidies to 1,112 tea farmers, producers, and plantation staff in South India. Board Executive Director M Balaji reported that a total of 6.32 crore was disbursed to 453 members in the first batch covering…
The Mesmerizing Story of Darjeeling Tea
When we speak about Darjeeling, the next thing that comes to our mind is Darjeeling tea. How the tea industry originated in Darjeeling and the types of tea cultivated in the area. The Darjeeling tea industry will keep on touching the mark in the world…
Teak Cultivation and Market Analysis
Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of the most important hardwood timber trees of India and is distributed naturally in the peninsular region below 24oN latitude. Teak forests are found in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh (small extent), Gujarat, Orissa, Rajasthan, Andhra…
India’s Rarest and Most Expensive Tea is plucked under full moon
We all have heard about the Darjeeling tea but don’t know why these teas are so special and expensive. The aroma and taste make the tea so good due to which Darjeeling tea is considered as ‘Champagne of Teas’.…
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