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Collaboration for Aquaculture Innovation: ICAR-CIBA and Guwahati University Forge Partnership
Breakthrough Discovery: Woody Pepper Identified as Piper Pendulispicum
ICAR-CIARI Hosts a Meeting on 'Climate Resilient Agriculture Technologies for Islands’
Climate Change Affecting 85% of Indians, Survey Reveals
Why You Must Consume Chia Seeds Every Day
Garuda Aerospace and GSFC University Signs Historical Partnership to Advance Aerospace Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation
Heavy Rain and Heatwave Alerts Issued by IMD Across India
Dhanuka Agritech FY24 Net Profit Up by 2.4% to Rs. 239.09 Cr; Revenue Increases to Rs. 1758.54 Cr in FY’24 by 3.4%
AIC Signs MoU with CSC for Nationwide Distribution of Its Retail Cattle Insurance Product- ‘Sampoorna Pashudhan Kawach’
Dhanesha Partners With Balchem USA to Launch Metalosate Technology in India