The world’s climate is rapidly changing due to global warming and will continue to be severe in the coming decades and centuries ahead. This will pose major challenge for future agricultural scenarios to provide food and other bio-resources for the projected global 9 billion people by 2050.
The climate change will trigger varieties of problems related to agriculture. It will affect all four dimensions of food security: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability. This change will impact human health, livelihood assets, food production and distribution channels, as well as changing purchasing power and market flows. Its impacts will be both short term, resulting from more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, and long term, caused by changing temperatures and precipitation patterns. Food systems will also be affected through possible internal and international migration, resource- based conflicts and civil unrest triggered by climate change and its impacts. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the resilience of rural people and to help them cope with this additional threat to food security. Particularly in the agriculture sector, climate change adaptation can go hand-in-hand with mitigation and organic farming. The conference aims at knowledge exchange on the interrelationship between climate change and food security and ways to deal with the new threats.

In order to disseminate the impacts of climate change, relieving strategic technologies for creating sustainable agriculture and food security a two days national conference is planned by the IDC Foundation in December 2019 at India international Centre, New Delhi. The conference sessions will include Innovative lead presentation, summary of case studies as per sessions and full length presentations followed by publications etc.
The conference will attract huge numbers of Research, Academic and Development Participants from strong and huge network of agriculture setup in the country which is one the world's largest gentry. The conference set to cover adversities and impacts and technologies scenarios in diversities
With this overarching mission, the Conference has been designed to provide a platform for interaction among researchers. Policy makers and practitioners in all relevant sectors
Exchange state-of-the-art knowledge on climate change science, adaptation strategies, disaster risk reduction, planning and management, and vulnerability and impact assessment tools, in the context of climate change, among regional stakeholders specifically in the
Agriculture and environment sectors; Understanding risks, resilience and adaptations of climate change on agriculture & food security
Discussing preparedness of various agencies to respond to risk reduction
Capacity building through education, research, training and awareness.
Role of Govt. Institutions , Universities & NGOs , scientists & farmers
For more details, contact: Conference Convener / Executive Director-International Development Centre Foundation (IDC Foundation),Sector 13- C- 19 Second Floor, Vasundahara Hatt, Vasundahara Ghaziabad (UP).
91-120- 4105164, +91-9811054645