The Development Commissioner's Office (Handicrafts) has begun the process of inviting applications to participate in marketing events via an online portal. This provides handicraft artisans with a fully digitised marketing platform.
Around 200 domestic marketing events are held each year in various parts of the country to assist artisans in selling their wares.
The entire online process, from application to selection and finally stall allocation, is completely computerised, with no human interaction.
All artisans will have equal, fair, and transparent access to the online process. Broad guidelines for application submission have been distributed to all parties involved in order to educate the artisans (the same is also available on official website).
The Development Commissioner's Office (Handicrafts) has launched the Indian Handicraft Portal (http://indian.handicrafts.gov.in), where all eligible artisans can apply online for marketing events.
The artisan can log in using the pehchan card number, then authenticate using the OTP sent to the registered mobile number. It is important to note that the handicrafts sector is significant and essential to the country's economy. It employs many artisans in rural and semi-urban areas and generates substantial foreign exchange for the country while preserving its cultural heritage.
The application, selection, and allocation processes for all marketing events, including Dilli Haat, will take place solely through this portal. The practise of soliciting physical applications for participation in domestic marketing events is no longer in use.