Krishi Jagran (India’s largest Rural Network) and Agriculture World (the Pulse of Global Agriculture) Join hands with OFAI (the largest Network of Organic Farmers in India) to bring the developments in Organic Mahotsav 2019 to a common platform before the Global Network. The ultimate goal of this partnership being knowing the growth of our farmers, getting to know better Our farmer and Our Food.
Krishi Jagran and Agriculture World is the Official Media Partner of the Organic Convention 2019 to be held in Udaipur (Rajasthan) at Shilpgram from 29th November to 1st December, 2019.
Krishi Jagran has been serving the Rural India and our Farmers for the past 24 years with National Agriculture News and Information with publications in 11 Regional Languages, in 23 Editions across the Nation. It has a Digital Network with more than a crore of readership in different Social Media platforms across the country. Engagement with students, researchers, industrialists and scientists are taken ahead at our social media platform like Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and our own discussion platform called KJ Forum https://forum.krishijagran.com/. Our Publication Group Krishi Jagran Portal English has 33 Lakh plus visitors per month; www.krishijagran.com brings global agri-information and agri developments at one platform. Likewise, we have 9 portals, 41 Facebook pages, and 35 Facebook groups where we disseminate our information effectively.

Agriculture World is the Global face of Krishi Jagran Group Publication. It aims at bringing in Global News, Information, Ground level detailed reports, One to one interactions and Responsible stories on various aspects of Agriculture, Sustainability, Environment and Health. Policies and Interventions, Biodiversity, Conservation, Climate, Water, Ecology, Urbanscapes, and many others are dealt with in our magazine. Agriculture World closely works with individuals and organizations, to help us to understand the real time stories. We also feature sustainable brands in every sector like food, health, clothing and the advances in technologies that sustains it. The curiosity lies to learn the backend stories, which could play an important role in garnering a greater connection between us and the people behind each organization and the environment we live in. Each monthly magazine revolves around different themes and our distinguished authors from many International and National organizations get involved in writing articles, which provide excellent quality for our dearest Subscribers.

OFAI today remains the only membership-based national association of Organic farmers, Organic farming promoters and Green stores. By charter, the President of the association will always be an organic farmer. The association will also strive to ensure gender equality in all its activities. It campaigns actively against the introduction of genetically modified organisms and seeds in India’s agriculture. Organic Mahotsav 2019 is the 7th in series of the popular biennial conventions held by the Organic Farming Association of India. The event is being held in Udaipur (Rajasthan) at Shilpgram from 29th November to 1st December, 2019. The convention provides a platform for organic farmers from all over India to share, learn and grow.
Being the Official Media Partner of the Organic Convention, Udaipur, Krishi Jagran and Agriculture World will Strive to bring to our readers information about our farmers, the food they grow, about farmer groups, live conversations, live workshop activities and so much more. Kindly tune into our Channels and Social media platforms. We hope this journey is as exciting and its opportunities to explore is deep and enriching as it feels. Join us in our Journey of dissemination of information.