India is a country with 130 billion population where the majority of the people live in the villages. However, people from villages rarely get good employment opportunities. This is the actual reason behind huge migration from villages to metropolitan cities in spite of the government’s end number of initiatives. Although, the government is making all efforts to get better employment opportunities for the rural youth and farmers and initiated so many schemes. Here, we have listed out some of the best profitable businesses for farmers even in crisis time which can give them profits of up to Lakhs.
Flower Farming (Floriculture)
Floriculture referred to flower farming which is one of the most demanding business across the globe. The demand for flower can be never decreased and it’s just growing more than before. Everybody used flowers in worship, decoration. In such a situation, this business is a very good source of earning profit. Many types of flowers are cultivated in the country. If you cultivate flowers on half an acre of land, then you can get a profit of 10 to 11 lakh rupees in a year.
Goat Rearing
Goat rearing or goat farming is considered one of the ideal business for the village people. If you start goat rearing, you can sell breeding, wool and goats milk. Moreover, there are many ways to earn money by rearing goat. At least, you can earn up to 1 to 2 lakh rupees can be earned from this business.
Aloe Vera Cultivation
You can start Aloe Vera's business in just 40 to 50 thousand rupees. Aloe vera is found to grow in hot humid and high rainfall conditions. It is grown in all kind of soils but well-drained soil with high organic matter is most suitable. It grows well in bright sunlight. Shady conditions result in disease infestation It is highly sensitive to water stagnation. For this, you just have to do a plantation in the field. Once planted, the crop will continue to be available for about 3 years. If you cultivate aloe vera on about 1 hectare of land, you can earn 9 to 10 lakh rupees in a year.
Dairy Business
Animal husbandry is one of the most profitable business for farmers not only in India but across the globe. Moreover, the dairy business is considered to be an occupation where the probability of loss is extremely low. This business can be done easily in the village. This is a very profitable business. You can start this business with 5 to 10 cows or buffaloes. Many people are doing a dairy farming business in the village. If this business is started on a large scale, farmers can get help from the government and non-governmental organizations as well. Moreover, you can earn a profit of about 1 to 2 lakh rupees from dairy farming.
Date Farming
You can earn a good income from palm farming. Many farmers are earning lakhs of rupees from this business. Special knowledge is required for its cultivation. Moreover, one needs to understand the land properly for its cultivation. You can earn a profit of up to 10 to 15 lakh rupees.