Garlic is a spice crop that is used in food as well as in removing many types of problems. In our country, garlic is cultivated in most of the states. But it is mainly cultivated in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. More than 50 percent of its production is done Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The garlic production area and productivity are steadily increasing over the time.
How to Grow Garlic?
Suitable Soil
Loam soil is considered very suitable for this crop. It can be cultivated from sandy loam to clay soils. The soil, which has a good amount of drainage along with the amount of carbonic material, is considered best for this crop. The growth of its tubers in sandy or loose land is not possible, due to which the yield is low.
The pH of the soil should be between 6.0 and 7.5 for growing garlic.
The amount of Nitrogen needed by garlic is more than most farmers think, mostly during its initial growth phase as it spreads its leaves. Adding organic manures, like as cow and poultry dung, are a great way to add nitrogen to the soil.
Phosphorus is also needed for optimal root development of garlic.
For healthy bulb formation, enough potassium is
For unique healing and flavor Sulfur is needed. In springs sprinkle sprinkle gypsum over your beds to add sulfur, after the plants have emerged and begun to leaf out.
Advanced varieties of garlic
Aground White (G41).
Yamuna White (G.1).
Yamuna White (G50).
G51, G.282.
Agrifound Parvati (G.313)
Manure and fertilizer
Garlic needs high amounts of manure and fertilizers. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to use any manure and fertilizer after thoroughly examining the soil. You can add organic manure such as Cow Manure, Poultry Manure, and Horse Manure.
The right time for sowing
The exact time of sowing depends on its area, place and soil. To improve its yield, October - November is the right month in the plains of northern India. While in hilly areas, it is appropriate to sow it in the month of March and April.
Garlic irrigation
The first irrigation should be done immediately after sowing garlic. After this, irrigate the crop after about 10 to 15 days. Irrigate it every week in the summer month. When its flakes are being constructed, irrigate the crop properly at that time.
Garlic yield
The yield of the garlic crop depends on many things. Mainly its variety, fertility of the land, and crop care. Along with this, the varieties with long days give higher yields. In which yield from 100 to 200 quintals per hectare is obtained.
Plant Protection
Pest and their control:
Thrips: 50 % of loss of yield can be there if it is not controlled properly. Mostly it is observed in dry weather.
To check the seriousness of thrips incidence, keep blue sticky traps at 6-8 per acre. If infiltration is observed in the field take a spray of Fipronil at 30 ml/15 Ltr water or Profenophos at 10 ml or Carbosulfar at 10 ml plus Mancozeb at 25 gm/10 Ltr water at 8-10 days intervals.
Crop becomes ready in 135-150 days after it has been sown. The crop can be cut down when 50% of the leaves start getting yellowing and drying. Stop irrigation at least 15 days before cutting.
Plants are pulled out or uprooted from the soil, then tied into a small bundle with the help of rope, and kept in a field under the shade for 2-3 days. After proper drying, dry stalks are removed and bulbs are cleaned properly, after bulbs are cleaned properly they are sorted and graded according to size.
Benefits of Eating Garlic
The heart will remain healthy.
Get rid of high BP.
Get rid of abdominal diseases.
Digestion will be better.
Relief from toothache.
Relief from cold and cough in winters.