In today's world, most of the people have become extremely health conscious and looking out for fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses that are organic in nature. Because of the ever increasing demand, many entrepreneurs and existing business owners are investing into the organic food market. Also the export market for the same is infinite and because of that the organic business owners are earning huge profit margins while doing the business.
Now-a-days, essentially all the food items are available in their organic form in the market. Ideally, organic products are packaged well with good quality packet and cover, however, there exist fake products that are sold in today's market with fabricated labels and brands. In doing so, the consumers are at the ultimate risk and the fake businesses are earning good returns.
Many of us have doubts regarding the authenticity of the available organic foods because of the fact that, simply by looking at the packaging and label, we are not able to distinguish between a genuine and a fake organic product. A basic and easy way to get genuine organic food is by following the below 3 ways:
- Food Logo (Organic):
In order to differentiate between the genuine and fake organic products, Jaivik Bharat Logo is used, which is green in colour. This logo is designed in such a way that replicating the same is not that easy for fake business operators. The logo contains a capital letter O along with a leaf lying on the left side. Also a tick mark is there on the above side of the second leaf in the logo. The tick demonstrates the fact that the food or product has received certification from the FSSAI. Apart from that the two leaves in the logo represents nature and the letter 'O' represents holistic wellness at a global level while producing organic foods. The green colour of the logo serves the eco-friendly nature of a product that is healthy and equally sustainable for the consumer.
- Testing Centers:
Although it is very hard to test the authenticity of the organic food at the base or consumer level, the same can be tested at testing centers or laboratories. You can send a sample of the product to the concerned laboratories. One thing to mind is that sometimes you might have to incur huge expenses for testing a single sample of organic product that you might be doubtful about.
- Directly from farmers:
Currently, many of the farmers have started to produce organic fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses in their farming fields. If you can build a direct supply chain from those farmers, then there are minimal changes of adulteration in the process. Such type of organic production i.e. directly by the farmers can cost less compared to a completely established and certified organic grower. Furthermore, there are several Farmer Producer Organisations, where farmers can sell their organic products straight to some of their regular customers at certain points and locations.