Green gram or moong bean is one of the main pulse crops of India. The total area under its cultivation in India is 3 million hectares with average production of 1 million tonnes. It is an excellent source of protein (20-25%). It is cultivated in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu. Punjab has one of the highest mung bean productivity among all states in India. The first fortnight of July is just the right time for sowing this crop in Kharif season. Cultivating pulses is a profitable business idea. Find the best Green-gram varieties for the Punjab belt in this article.
Important Varieties of Green-gram
Find the major varieties of Green-gram specific to Punjab region below;
IPM 2-3: It is suitable to grow in spring and kharif season. It gives a yield of about 12-15 quintal/ ha and is tolerant to yellow mosaic virus.
SSL 1827: This variety is made by crossbreeding with green gram and rice bean. It gives average yield of 5 quintal/ acre and is resistant to yellow mosaic virus.
PAU 911: This variety is suitable for kharif season and the plants are of medium height, erect, determinate & compact and get ready to harvest in 75 days. The pods contain 9-11 seeds each and the grains are medium bold and green. The average yield of this variety is seen to be 4.9 quintal/acre.
ML 818: This variety is suitable for kharif season. Plant is of moderate height, erect and get ready to harvest in 80 days. It is moderately resistant to yellow mosaic and cercospora and bacterial leaf spot. The plant of this variety bears around 30-33 pods and each of the pod contains 10-11 seeds. It gives an average yield of about 4.9 quintal/acre.
ML 2056: Suitable for kharif season the plants of this variety are of medium height. The maturity period 75 days long. The pods of this variety bear 11-12 seeds it is also tolerant to yellow mosaic, cercospora, bacterial leaf spot and sucking parasites such as Jassids and white fly. It has a yield potential of about 4.5 quintal/acre.
ML 267: Plants of this variety are medium statured; the stem and branches are hairy with a slight tinge of purple colour. Pods are present on the top of branches and each pod contain 9-11 seeds. It takes about 85days for maturity and yields 4.2 quintal/acre. It can be cultivated under rainfed conditions.
ML 613: Its plants are determinate and medium height. It shows profuse pod formation and each pod has 10-11 seeds. It takes 85 days for maturity. It possesses bold green and shinning grains with very good swelling capacity and cooking quality. The yield potential of this variety is 4.3 quintal/acre.
SML 668: It is suitable to be grown in summer season. Plants are dwarf and get ready to harvest in around 60 days. It has a yield potential of about 4.5 quintal/ acre. it is tolerant to yellow mosaic and thirps.
SML 832: Suitable for summer sowing, the plants of this variety get ready for harvest in 62 days. Each of its pods contain 10 seeds. Grains are medium sized and shinning green in colour. It gives average yield of about 4.6 quintal/ acre.
PBM 1: This variety was released in the year 2000. The plants of this variety are erect, determinate and medium statured. Each of its pod bears 9-11 seeds and has maturation period of 75 days. It has a yield potential of 4.2 quintal/acre. Grains are green with good cooking quality.