Jammu & Kashmir Government is promoting fisheries culture by using modern technologies of fish farming such as composite fish culture of Indian major carps and exotic carps.
The administration is also promoting the sector by filling the natural cold-water streams with trout seeds to endorse sports fisheries across the Union territory.
The department of fisheries is also propagating fish culture in the private sector to give job opportunities to educated jobless youth, besides the development of recreational fisheries as a method of income for those interested in pursuing aquarium fishing as a profession.
Notably, Kashmir offers some of the greatest spring-fed and snow-fed trout fishing in the world, along with a number of freshwater lakes, gorgeous, exclusive, and pollution-free streams, and rivers with snow-capped peaks.
A total of 40 streams with an aggregate length of 500 km are home to roughly 150 fishing boats. In addition, 12 high-altitude lakes with an elevation between 8000 and 12000 feet above sea level are home to Brown Trout.
To increase fish production and provide opportunities for better pay to fish farmers and professional fishermen engaged in the exploitation of natural water resources, the Government of India has identified a number of programs for the development of both inland and marine fisheries in the nation.
As far as the J&K is concerned, in view of the feasibility, many Centrally Sponsored Schemes are in operation in the Union Territory.
These schemes are - National Welfare Scheme for Fishermen, PM’s Package for creation of employment opportunities, Fisheries Training and extension, Construction of low-cost houses, Group Accident Insurance scheme for active Fishermen, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for construction of low cost /houseless fishermen etc.