Bees and grubs are damaging the combs since beekeeping is done in precise lines and with heavy extraction. After preserving enough honey in the combs for the bees, bees are housed in artificial leaves where they can live peacefully close to the beekeeper for handling and extraction of extra honey. Beekeeping, which is most popular from March to May, can be a successful business. Italian bees are widely available for beekeeping in places like Bihar, Chennai, etc.
Honey Beekeeping-Indian Scenario
Beekeeping is being practiced traditionally in India since time immemorial
Similar to dairying, apiculture is primarily carried out by small-scale and landless farmers.
It also boosts agricultural income, creates jobs, and helps in enhancing the nutritional intake of the rural population. About 3 lakh rural residents are employed by it.
By cross-pollinating plants, honeybees help maintain plant biodiversity and increase crop harvests. Depending on the crop, this growth has been demonstrated to be between 5 and 3000%.
Rapeseed/mustard honey, eucalyptus honey, lychee honey, sunflower honey, Karanj/Pongamea honey, and multi-flora honey are some of the varieties. Some of the brands of natural honey are Himalayan Honey, Acacia Honey, Wild Flora Honey, Multi, and Monofloral Honey.
Currently, 75–85% of apiary honey and more than 50% of all produced honey are exported.
About 61% of the nation's honey output was produced by just 4 States: West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Bihar.
Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar, Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand are the states classified as having "High Potential" based on their potential for production.
The National Commission on Agriculture had projected that 12 of the nation's most important agricultural crops would require the pollination of around 150 million bee colonies.
The production of 10 million tonnes of honey and an increase in crop production will result from the use of up to 600–700 million bee colonies, which will employ 215 lakh people.

Indigenous Beekeeping Centers:
Indigenous Honey is the best place to learn beekeeping. They will give you instructions and training on honey and honeybees.
Life in the beehive: Their knowledgeable staff will assist you in comprehending the honeybee life cycle, their division of labor, and their socialism.
Handling of a beehive: This includes equipment handling which is used fully in beekeeping.
Beehive nutrition: Knowing the honeybee's diet is necessary if you wish to get more honey from beehives.
Apiary management: The selection of the apiary is another factor that affects the development of honeybees and hive production.
Migration of apiary: This is the toughest job in beekeeping which required proper training.
Production and sales of honey and beehives: Our sales expert will help you to encourage your sale of honey and beehives.
Pollination service of the honeybee: One should also produce income through the pollination services of the honeybees.
Troubleshooting of issues in beekeeping: We also support to fight against the predators and diseases of honeybees
Address: Indigenous honey c/o primitive corporation, panchvati society, 60 feet road, Veraval Gir-Somnath-362265, Gujarat Email: info@indigenoushoney.com. Phone: +91 9033959987
Practical Training Course Outline:
Field visit of Beekeeping & Agriculture
Honey extractor
Processing of Honey
Wax Collection & Processing
Method of Propolis Production
Queen Bee & Queen Cells
Khadi & Village Industries Commission:
Mahatma Gandhi served as an inspiration for the Khadi & Village Industries Commission. She strove to advance the beekeeping industry with the goal of improving the financial situation of those residing in remote, severely rural areas by introducing and popularizing modern beekeeping.
For beekeepers/farmers, gatherers of wild honey, and beginners, the Khadi & Village Industries Commission provides the following training programs:
Certificate course in Beekeeping
Elementary Beekeeping training for 15 days.
Short-term course in beekeeping for 5 days.
Training on Queen Rearing, pollination, bee pathology, CF Sheet, etc.
Persons with a background in beekeeping/beekeepers.
Honey Processing training for 5 days.
Analysis of honey for 5 days.
Management of Apis mellifera
Training in Melittopalynology pollen & propolis collection
Training in Honey Testing Kit for 1 day.
Hobbyist training for 5 days.
Contact: email Id: fbi@kvic.gov.in and Tele: 022-26708064

Bharath Honeybee Center Training Program:
The premier beekeeping training facility, Bharath Bee Keeping Centre, offers a one-year certificate program in beekeeping with 45 practical courses. The training guarantees that the applicants have a clear understanding of how to maintain honey bees and extract honey from bee bread.
The free one-year course is solely provided by Bharath Bee Keeping Centre. The majority of applicants who finished the program have been working in the beekeeping sector since 2003.
Address: Bharath Bee Keeping Center Avinissery P.O, Thrissur-680313 Kerala, India Phone: 91+487 2353104 Customer Care: 91+9495320199.
Arya Gramodyog Sanstha:
Specialized Beekeeping Courses are available from Arya Gramodyog Sansthan. Farmers will be trained in the art of beekeeping through these courses as they were created by industry specialists with years of expertise and in-depth understanding of the subject. The professionals at this institute have developed special procedures that turn beekeeping into a scientifically controlled art or discipline, and they help you with the newest beekeeping approaches using conventional methods.
The honey beekeeping training course offered by Arya Gramodyog Sansthan encourages the adoption of more complex methods for extracting and processing honey.
Address: 47 A Satyam Enclave DDA Flat Jhilmil Delhi 110095 Tel- +91-11-22165436 Cell:- +91-9810268758 E-Mail:- info@agshoney.com Website:- www.agshoney.com
Ambrosia Natural Products:
The Bee Keeping Training Programme is provided by "Ambrosia Natural Products." It prepares to maintain honeybee production and processing in the right direction.
Training Programme: Farmers, beekeepers, and unemployed youth can participate in a 7-day training program on beekeeping organized by Ambrosia Natural Products. The duration of this 7-day beekeeping training course is.
Theoretical Training:
Bee Keeping – As an occupation, As an increase in Agriculture Production.
Apis Melifera Bee Colony.
Bee Keeping Equipment: - Bee Box, Honey extractor, Smoker, Bee veil, Bee Knife, Hive Tool, Queen gate, Feeder, Solar wax extractor, Wax sheet, etc.
Bee Management
Bee Deceases Swarm control in Bee colonies
Timely extraction of Honey
New Queen Rearing
Seasonally sugar syrup & Pollen method in colonies
Migration Benefits to farmers & Bee Keepers
Selective Breeding in colonies
Care against Pesticides in colonies.
Marketing of Honey
Bionomic ability of Project
Practical Training:
Field visit of Bee Keeping & Agriculture
Pollination Honey extractor
Processing of Honey
Wax Collection & Processing
Method of Per Polish Production
Queen Bee & Queen Cells
Bee Keeper India
Due to its position as a reputable institution and its expertise in the subject, they also provide training in beekeeping. In this course, they provide an overview of the regions in India where a beekeeping business can be operated with low investment outlay and a high-profit margin.
Type of training:
Honey Extract Training
Bee Venom Training
Propolis Extract Training
Address: THE SHREE KRISHNA BEE KEEPING AGRO, W.I. CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (REGD.), 2485, Gurudwara Road, Near Gurudwara Singh Sabha, Rajpura Town, Pin-140401, Punjab, Phone:01762-228249, Fax: 01762-228249