Satheesh M from Alappuzha, Kerala, found a new fitness routine when other youngsters his age joined gyms. The 40-year-old exercise fanatic invented the 'Agro Gym,' which was formerly performed by his forefathers but is now largely forgotten by young folks.
This natural workout does not require any expensive equipment; all you need is a sickle, a shovel, and a hoe. Satheesh grew both his health and organic veggies with them. The 'agro gym' sits on a small area of land (less than an acre) that is mostly used for farming.
Satheesh, a senior assistant at the Alappuzha District Public Service Commission (PSC), starts his day plowing the land. During the growing season, he sows seeds for a new crop. "It necessitates a significant amount of physical exertion. Not to mention dealing with and preparing for uncontrollable elements like rain, heat, extreme cold, equipment malfunctions, and so on. But, in the end, it is a free method of exercise that helps me maintain a healthy weight, is excellent for my heart and pulmonary systems, develops mental endurance, and prevents musculoskeletal problems" he says.
His flexibility and stamina have also increased as a result of it. The Agro gym might be discouraging at first since, unlike traditional gyms, results do not appear quickly.
The important words are patience and perseverance. It took him a decade to get to where he is now in terms of fitness. "Food has played a significant role," he admits. His diet includes ripe red tomatoes, juicy brinjals, soft okra, long beans, plump bitter gourds, and snake gourds.
"I raise a variety of green chilies. The sight of scarlet spinach glistening with morning dew and pumpkins of all sizes in their beds is a welcome sight. Those who enter this organic oasis are greeted with papaya varieties and the fragrant scent of turmeric plants "he declares.
Satheesh had a negative attitude toward farming for a long time. He assumed it was only for the well-educated. "When common reason triumphed, I wasted no time getting right on it," he says. When the fitness farmer obtained a job at PSC, he realised the value of being in shape.
He discovered that 90% of government officials had lifestyle illnesses. It was even worse for those approaching retirement. "The cause was stress and extended working hours," he adds, adding that "they were glued to their seats."
He began driving to a gym in Alappuzha, which was 7 kilo-meters distant from his home, every day at 5 a.m. It had been a demanding schedule. It was also rather costly. "Then I overheard someone remark, "A excellent way to burn fat is to fill pots with water from the village pond early in the morning and water the plantain plants." I just took that suggestion and implemented it "he declares.
The former gym rat began by pulling weeds from his property and hilling, which provided a full-body exercise. "I began farming by producing health-promoting veggies. I planted a number of cucumber varieties, which we used to make juice or salad. After that, I cultivated a variety of different veggies and fruits," he said.
Satheesh thinks that children should be involved in farming or gardening from an early age. According to Satheesh, they should be taught how to water plants and produce food. His greatest strength, he says, is the support he receives from his wife Reshmi and three children.
The former gym rat began by pulling weeds from his property and hilling, which provided a full-body exercise. "I began farming by producing health-promoting veggies. I planted a number of cucumber varieties, which we used to make juice or salad. After that, I cultivated a variety of different veggies and fruits" he contributes.
Satheesh thinks that children should be involved in farming or gardening from an early age. According to Satheesh, they should be taught how to water plants and produce food. His greatest strength, he says, is the support he receives from his wife Reshmi and 3 children.
Many people have been influenced by the Agro gym. Many young men and women in his area have expressed interest in bio-farming and have pledged to make it a way of life. "Those who have tried it believe it is considerably more helpful than high-intensity interval training (HIIT) at the gym. 20 repetitions of squats and Cross fit workouts are equivalent to just tilling the land with a hoe," Satheesh explains.
Aside from exercise and diet, farming decreases the risk factors linked with our times' unpredictability, such as pandemics. "Farming allows you to become self-sufficient. It instills in you the courage to face adversity. It teaches you patience and prepares you to face the inevitable failures that come with bio farming. All of these things are quite beneficial when it comes to living a full life" he declares.
His aim is to enlist young people in farming as part of the farm-health idea. He adds, "I'll be glad to share the veggies they grow with me." The new exercise motto is to cultivate excellent health the "agro gym" manner.