Man's mental prowess is a very sharp tool that can often become blunt if put in situations of excess stress. Thus the degradation of one's mental prowess with age is just inevitable. Nutritionists and doctors alike thus do advise their people to just maintain their healthy brains via consuming foods rich in lutein, omega 3 fatty acids and folic acids.
Which respectively act as an antioxidant to decrease inflammation, prevent cognitive decline, and are used to treat people suffering from memory loss, Alzheimer's, and Dementia.
Listed below are some food items rich in these and are scientifically proven to be good for one’s brain.
Fatty fish
Fatty fishes are the main sources of omega -3 fatty acids which not only are helpful in reducing the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children but is also good for mental health during early childhood for kids and pregnant mothers. According to psychiatric reports people with low omega 3 content in their bodies also had mental disorders.
Peanuts are rich in Vitamin E and Resveratrol out of which vitamin E helps to decrease oxidative stress on the brain and Resveratrol according to random clinical trials helps in increasing cerebral blood flow, cerebral vasodilator responsiveness to hypercapnia, and cerebrospinal fluid level.
Flax seeds, avocados and walnuts
For all the vegetarians who are looking for alternative sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Flax seeds, avocados and walnuts are your best bet. They are not only rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids but also lower cholesterol and balance blood sugar, while also counteracting oxidative stress and inflammation which are two main drivers of cognitive decline.
Broccoli is a vegetable that is rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids. Vitamin c plays a vital role in the differentiation and growth of neurons and hence plays a role in protecting them and speeding up impulse transmission of electronic impulses, making the vitamin crucial to cognitive performance. Broccoli also contains compounds called glucosinolates, which when broken down form isothiocyanates. That helps lower the risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
If there was any vegetable that could be given the title of "brain vegetable", it would be kale. Reason being that it contains almost no oxalates making it easy for the brain to absorb. While also having proteins, iron folate and vitamin B6 which are used to create brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.