Since the creation of humankind, people have been worshipping their providers be it in the form of a stone, statue, or holy book. Just as every culture has a god of the sky and a god of death, it also has a god of agriculture. Here’s a list of agricultural gods from around the world.
Shridevi- Shridevi or Dewi Shri is a Balinese, Sudanese, and Javanese Hindu goddess of rice and fertility. Generally, she is equated to or associated with Hindu goddess Lakshmi who is the goddess of prosperity, wealth, health, beauty, and good fortune. Worshipped on the islands of Java, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia, Dewi Shri is regarded as the goddess of rice because she is associated with the mythical origin of the rice plant. Most believers of Dewi Shri in these areas keep a small shrine in their house in honour of Dewi Shri. Worshippers usually make food offerings to Dewi Shri’s idol in the hopes that she might grant health and prosperity to the family.
Pomona- Pomona is a well-known Roman goddess of fruit, fruit trees, and fruitful abundance. She is usually depicted in an orchard or holding a handful of fruits. Unlike many Roman gods and goddesses, Pomona doesn’t have a Greek counterpart. She cares for and protects fruit trees.
Balarama- Balarama is the elder brother of Lord Krishna and a Hindu God himself. Some Hindus consider him the incarnation of Shesha, the serpent associated with Vishnu. According to Hindu mythology, Balarama is a farmer’s patron deity. He is considered the harbinger of knowledge of agricultural tools and prosperity.
Hoori- Hoori also known as Hikohohodemi no Mikoto is a popular figure in Japanese mythology. He is worshipped as a god of cereals and grains. It is said that this name refers to rice paddies that are so lush that they can bend under their own weight. Hoori is the third and youngest son of the blossom princess Konohansakuya-hime and Ninigi-no-Mikoto. In Japanese mythology, Hoori is depicted as a hunter and his brother Hoderi is depicted as a fisherman.
Shennong- Shennong is the God/King of Chinese medicine and agriculture. He is also known as Wugushen, the Emperor of the Five Grains: rice, beans, sorghum, millet, and wheat. According to legend, Shennong helped create a stable agricultural society in China by teaching people the art and practice of agriculture. He did so by introducing irrigation, farmer’s markets, better ways to take care of animals, and introducing tools such as plough, axe, and hoe.
Mahakala- Mahakala is a deity in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. In Hinduism, Mahakala is known as the manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva and as goddess Mahakali’s consort. Whereas in Buddhism, he is regarded as the protector of Dharma. Mahakala is also featured in Japanese folklore and is known as Daikokuten. In Japan, he is considered the god of wealth or the kitchen. He is often portrayed seated on bales of rice with mice nearby.
Demeter- Demeter is the Greek goddess of agriculture and its chief crops: maize and barley, along with its products: flour and bread.
The Dagda- The Dagda is a god in Irish mythology. He is the father figure of Irish tribes and a god of agriculture. He is depicted with a magical harp, which when played could put the seasons in order.
Acan- In Mayan culture, Acan is considered the god of wine. He is associated with the drink, balche, which is made from fermented honey and the bark of the balche tree.
Xochipilli- Xochipilli is the Aztec god of flowers, art, games, beauty, and song.
Dagon- Dagon was considered the god of grain and fishing, and the God of fertility in Assyro-Babylonian culture.
Renenutet- Renenutet is the Egyptian goddess of nourishment and harvest.
Puta- In Roman mythology, Puta was considered a minor Roman goddess that presided over the pruning of trees.
Lympha- Lympha is another Roman goddess. She is the goddess of fresh water. She is considered an important agricultural deity due to agriculture’s association with water.