Gardening advice is sometimes shared around like gossip. It might be gardening advice from your mother's grandfather or anecdotal vegetable garden proof from a neighbour. It's simple to hear something a few times, believe it, and then put it into practice in your own garden. Here are some common gardening misconceptions, as well as how they are founded on misinformation or outmoded practices.
Composting Leads to Foul Odour
This is the one you'll hear the most about of all the gardening myths. "However, it'll stink up the place!" The reality is that if your compost pile doesn't smell like earthy soil, something is wrong. Some composting fundamentals, such as ensuring that your pile has enough air, will help you maintain your compost pile smelling fresh. Turning your compost on a regular basis allows additional oxygen to enter, allowing for a more uniform decomposition of organic waste.
Vegetables Must Be Planted in Orderly Rows
If you're producing crops on a farm, it makes sense to plant them in clean, orderly rows so you can use heavy-duty machinery to till, seed, and harvest them. However, in your backyard vegetable garden, you can arrange your plants according to your unique preferences. There's even a case to be made for switching up your crops as a means of warding off pests and illness through companion planting.
Potting Soil Must Be Replaced on a Regular Basis
If you're working with a container garden or even a little windowsill herb garden, you might believe that you need to replace the soil on a regular basis to ensure that your herbs and veggies get enough nutrients. The fact is that once a year is more than enough.
To Start a Vegetable Garden, You'll Need a Lot of Area
One of the most common gardening misconceptions is that starting a vegetable garden need a large property. Don't get me wrong: large yards are fantastic, and if you're fortunate enough to have the space, make the most of it. To have a lovely kitchen garden, you just don't need a lot of room. It's possible that you don't have a yard at all. On a porch, balcony, or parking pad, you may develop a completely working container garden. You may create the garden of your dreams with a tiny footprint by using container gardens, raised beds, and vertical gardens.
Drainage Is Improved by Using Gravel at The Bottom of Pots & Containers
I'm not sure where I first heard it, but it's become widely accepted among gardeners as the best technique to assure good drainage in pots and plants. The issue is that it does not function. In reality, it does the exact opposite of what we want. By adding pebbles or rocks to the bottom of your container, you may raise the level at which water collects, bringing it closer to the root system of your vegetable or plant. Root rot may become more likely as a result of this. Simply ensure that there are adequate drainage holes and that they are not blocked instead of using gravel.
Going to Have to Spend a Lot of Money to Start a Garden
It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to start a vegetable and herb garden. You can start your garden with a few simple pieces of equipment and some low-cost seeds or seedlings while staying within your budget. Trellises, raised beds, and container gardening are just a few examples of DIY garden ideas that are either cheap or practically free. Good soil, compost, and potting mix are where you should invest your money.
Crushed Eggshells are an Excellent Source of Calcium for the Soil
It takes years for eggshells to decay enough for their calcium to be valuable to nearby plants. It may not hurt your vegetable crop and may have benefits like balancing the pH of the soil, but the calcium may not help the soil for a long time unless you're putting a lot of eggshells.
One Inch of Water Each Week is Required by Plants
The truth is that depending on the type of plant and its age, each vegetable and herb requires a varied quantity of watering. Young seedlings and transplants are still developing root systems and will require more frequent watering. If there has been a dry spell, established perennials may simply require supplemental watering. It's excellent to have a watering schedule, but first check to determine if your plants require it. Water your garden just when your plants require it.
Best Mulch is Wood Chips
Wood chips are a great mulch option, but don't stop there. Mulch is available at a variety of pricing points and offers a variety of benefits. Grass clippings, straw, compost, and even gravel may be used to mulch your vegetable garden in addition to wood chips. Depending on the sorts of vegetables and herbs you're producing, as well as your soil drainage needs, you may want to apply a variety of mulches.
More Than 6 Hours of Sunlight Every Day is Required for your Garden
While certain plants require direct sunshine, there are many herbs and vegetables that thrive in regions with more moderate light and partial shadow. The secret is to figure out which plants will work best in your garden.