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World Homeopathy Day: Know About the Unknown Benefits of Homeopathy

A silent dispute is going on among people across countries regarding the best medicine practices especially the war is between two distinctly different philosophies in the field of medicine i.e. Allopathy & Homeopathy.

Shivam Dwivedi
Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic Medicine

A silent dispute is going on among people across countries regarding the best medicine practices especially the war is between two distinctly different philosophies in the field of medicine i.e. Allopathy & Homeopathy.

This never-ending war has started when a famous allopath named Sircar came forward to support homeopathy. Mahendra Lal Sircar’s lecture at the British Medical Association (1867) had presented a comparative picture of allopathy and homeopathy and argued that homeopathy didn’t get the importance that it deserved. Homeopathy is considered completely safe in treating many health problems and maintaining general wellness.

Why is World Homeopathy Day celebrated?

  • The World Homeopathy Day is celebrated every year on April 10 to pay tribute to homoeopathy and its contribution to the world of medicine. This day is observed on the occasion of the birth anniversary of German physician Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy. He discovered the way to heal through the use of homeopathy. 

  • World Homeopathy Day is also celebrated to understand the challenges and future strategies to develop homoeopathy. The day aims to spread awareness about homoeopathy as a form of medicine and work towards improving its success rate. Homoeopathy Awareness Week is also celebrated from April 10 to April 16, 2020 each year. 

  • This year's theme, ‘Homeopathy: the Ultimate Green Medicine’, offers many opportunities to learn about the important links between homeopathy and supporting a healthy environment.  

Development of Homoeopathy in India:

  • As we know, Homeopathy is one of the trusted medical systems in India. Our country is one of the biggest homoeopathic drug manufacturers and traders globally. In our country, homoeopathy is as popular as Ayurveda, both of which fall under the purview of the AYUSH ministry.

  • The history of Homoeopathy in India is linked with the name of Dr. Honigberger, a French man who brought homoeopathy to India. He was attached to the Court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He arrived at Lahore in 1829-1830 and was later invited to treat Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab. Dr. Honigberger later on went to Calcutta and started practice there, where he was chiefly known as the 'Cholera Doctor'.

  • Homeopathy was introduced in India the early 19th century. It flourished in Bengal at first, and then spread all over India. Mahendra Lal Sircar was the first Indian who became a homeopathic physician. A number of allopathic doctors started homeopathic practice following Sircar's lead. The 'Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College', the first homeopathic medical college was established in 1881. This institution took on a major role in popularising homeopathy in India. In 1973, the Government of India recognised homeopathy as one of the national systems of medicine and set up the Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) to regulate its education and practice. At present, in India, homeopathy is the third most popular method of medical treatment after allopathy and Ayurveda.

World Homeopathy Day
World Homeopathy Day

Advantages of Homoeopathy:

  • Every individual respond in a different manner to different medicines and treatments. This uniqueness of the symptoms and reactions brings in the difference in the remedy prescribed to each one of them. Homeopathy respects the concept of personalized medication.

  • Allopathy has its own chain of side effects connected with every prescribed medicine while the objective of homeopathy is to bring about a change in human body to make it responds in a better way and to get the system right in place.

  • Homeopathy is considered completely safe as it does not react in harmful way to the body, instead it helps to examine the past ailments and new developments in the body with proper and regular dosage of the drug prescribed.

  • Homeopathy is considered a safe treatment as it uses doses in extremely diluted quantities and there are usually minimal side effects. Its non-toxicity makes it a good choice for the treatment of children.

  • Another benefit of homeopathy is the cost of treatments. Homeopathic remedies are in expensive often a fraction of the cost of conventional drugs. Homeopathic treatment has been shown effective in treating many conditions.

World Homeopathy Day is an occasion to realize the importance of homeopathic treatment over allopathic and it is one of the alternative disciplines of medicine that generally works by triggering the healing responses of the patient’s own body. Today, a number of people depend on homoeopathic treatment around the world. Homeopathy believes that any sickness can be cured by inducing symptoms similar to it through doses of natural ingredients.

To conclude, I would like to say that Homeopathy is much better than Allopathy because it is natural, cost- effective and has less side effects on the body. So let us adopt what is healthy for us and also for the future of our planet!

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