The wholesale prices of coconut rose across the benchmark markets of India, according to the data from the Agmarknet portal run by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. As of April 9, 2024, the monthly average wholesale prices of coconut rose by Rs 126.8 to Rs 3,752.3 per quintal. Amongst all the regions, Andaman and Nicobar Island saw a whopping rise of Rs 1,791 to Rs 1,800 per quintal, followed by Goa with a rise of around 17.9% to Rs 1,433 per quintal.
Other states and union territories where the wholesale prices of coconut rose are Kerala, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. In Kerala, the prices rose by almost 7.1% to Rs 3,437, in Maharashtra by around 10% to Rs 1,778, and in Tamil Nadu by almost 2.3% to Rs 2,473.
However, the wholesale prices of coconut fell in Rajasthan and Karnataka. In Rajasthan, the prices fell by 51.4% to Rs 338 per quintal, and in Karnataka by around 9.3% to Rs 15,007. Coconut is majorly grown in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.
For those interested in exploring the prices of various crops in their respective state markets, the official website agmarknet.gov.in provides a comprehensive list. Understanding the price dynamics of different crops and their quality assessment remains pivotal in navigating market fluctuations for farmers and traders alike.