We are familiar with the word fasting in connection with religions. Fasting is considered as a way to attain salvation and it was more important in the older generation. In most of the houses, we see young people and children eating without discrimination while the elderly observe fast. This article discusses whether this should be changed or not. We also need to keep in mind that the new generation does not have the health that the older generation enjoyed.
The first thing to say about fasting is that people who are ill in any way should fast only on the advice of a doctor, especially those who are diabetic. Blood sugar levels are likely to drop significantly during fasting. That is why it is said to seek expert advice in taking fast.
All studies suggest that fasting is good for individuals who do not have health problems. But it has to be done scientifically. We follow various types of fasts. But new research shows that intermittent fasting, which provides more health benefits, is more effective.
What is Intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is different from religious fasting. It should be read in connection with the balanced diet and exercise we do for our health. It is a health plan that helps you lose weight and stay young and strong.
This is in stark contrast to the fasts in which food is completely abandoned. For example, one meal a day and the third day a meal only once. Drink only water the rest of the time. This method is being tried all over the world to reduce fat and belly. It has been found to be successful in reducing body fat. It is also useful for those trying to increase muscle mass.
It greatly aids the physiological process of autophagy. Autophagy is the process by which old cells are destroyed and new cells are made. Its specialty is that the body gets younger as the blood flow through the blood vessels becomes proper. As new cells are formed, the skin also looks younger.
We know that a healthy mind comes from a healthy body. It is natural that the health of the body influences mental health. Intermittent fasting improves the functioning of the brain so that the mind can concentrate on the tasks it is doing.
In the first stage of intermittent fasting, the meal is reduced to eight hours. Then fast is observed in the remaining 16 hours. In the second stage, the food is reduced to four hours and then fasted for 20 hours. The second step is more beneficial. It can remove all the fat deposited in the body and stimulate the function of the pancreas.
Fasting can be done in different ways. There is a practice of stopping eating at ten o'clock at night and not eating until 2 o'clock the next day. Occasionally there may be energy drinks. Generally, sleeping until dawn after dinner is the equivalent of fasting. Adding eight hours to it means not eating until two o'clock.
Breakfast is a very important meal- it can either make or break your day. The practice is to eat from 8 am to 4 pm and then fast until 8:00 am the next day. Eating while working during the day means that energy is used up faster. Therefore, it can be said that it is the best way to reduce fat.
Regardless of the method used, it is essential to drink plenty of water. Drinking water mixed with lemon juice mixed with indium will relieve fatigue. There is nothing wrong with drinking coffee with a light sweetness.
When entering into such a method, first fast one day a week. Then switch to three days a week. This is necessary to reduce fat and get the full benefit of fasting.